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Everything posted by maloney.adam

  1. Trading Cease, Stiever, Adolfo and Rutherford is not going to net you Lynn and Gallo. If the Sox aren’t willing to part with Madrigal, they would have to include another prospect or two or someone else with value on the MLB roster.
  2. I understand that but if they want to win championships they are going to have to make some moves for players that already have experience. You give some value away to gain some value back. I believe addressing their needs in free agency first than making some trades while still growing the farm is a smart way to go. If they want to win, they got to take some risks.
  3. Does this guy have any credibility? He seems to comment on the Sox quite a bit.
  4. How about if the Sox trade Madrigal, Stiever, Cease, Adolfo and/or Rutherford for Gallo and Lynn and than sign Wong for 2b and Quintana or Kluber as the 4th starter? What would you guys think about those moves? A rotation of Giolito, Keuchel, Lynn, Quintana or Kluber and Kopech/Dunning is stacked.
  5. I agree, it would be totally unacceptable. Quite frankly, I don’t think the article has any basis behind it because there is nothing new in the article, only that it’s a day old.
  6. This would be a major disappointment. https://www.dailyherald.com/amp-article/20201107/sports/201109373/?__twitter_impression=true
  7. So when are they going to announce the rest of the staff? Are they alive over there? We haven’t heard anything from them on this. Meanwhile, Detroit is getting the ball moving and are assembling their staff but we’re just sitting around and watching them fall off the board like flies. Do they know that it’s free agency now and it’s important to have a coaching staff in place?
  8. So when are the Sox going to hire and announce the rest of there staff....? Might as well let all the good ones go first.
  9. I would trade for Joey Gallo and Lance Lynn and than sign a backend starter like Quintana.
  10. If this accurate, I wonder why Steve Stone would say he doesn’t think Springer would come here than? Does that mean the other top free agents wouldn’t sign here as well? Tons of speculation out there right now.
  11. Makes sense. You live in Cali and you have some Seattle Mariners contacts on the West Coast if I’m correct?
  12. I think you may want to go back and read the Speculation on TLR coaches thread.
  13. What’s critical now is who RH and KW hires for the rest of the coaching staff. If what I’m hearing is accurate and they keep some of the staff on board from RR and hire a young up and comer for one of the positions than I think all of this stuff about TLR will eventually blow over.
  14. But how do we know that he hasn’t contacted anyone? Has he said this in any of the interviews he has done since the hiring? Maybe they are being tight lipped.
  15. This article is from yesterday but Richard Justice predicts that Marcus Stroman will accept his QO. Many others believe he will accept as well. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mlb.com/amp/news/predicting-who-will-accept-qualifying-offer.html
  16. It doesn’t matter because the international money is for the signing period in 2022.
  17. From TLR’s interview with the MLB Network today, it sounds like It will be a Rick Hahn and Kenny Williams hire but I will let James answer that one.
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