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Everything posted by maloney.adam

  1. It’s the 5 o’clock hour and still no leaks that indicate that TLR will be named the manager today per LB’s tweet...lol
  2. He’s tweeting off what was reported earlier today. Nothing new here.
  3. I’m surprised that Bob Nightengale hasn’t picked up on any of this today or am I missing something?
  4. Every hour that ticks down towards the end of the day with no leaks or announcements about TLR being named as manager has me wondering about LB’s tweet.
  5. The key part of the sentence in the tweet is “if Tony La Russa is hired” though. Most people are already assuming that he is hired. ?
  6. Your telling me. His tweet was the one that started all of this today.
  7. I know it’s not the end of the day yet but all of a sudden it’s become silent. ?
  8. Nevermind Orlando, I went back and read your post from 2 hours ago where you said it’s your twitter account.
  9. I edited my post without JR and KW. See above.
  10. I wonder if Hahn reads this message board to feel out the reactions of the fans. I bet he does. So based off all that and some reports out there saying that JR is the type of person that would let Hahn make the decision and wouldn’t interfere with the hire would make you believe that these are all rumors.
  11. This is kind of assuming that TLR is the new manager before anything is leaked or officially announced.
  12. Hot stove and chatter starting to heat up a bit....
  13. Nothing has been leaked or officially announced yet. Just some talk maybe from TLR with his buddies. This is a process. I wouldn’t take too much stock into this just yet.
  14. Well I guess we’ll find out by the end of the day today than if this is true. If nothing gets leaked we’ll know this is just all talk.
  15. I think this is speculation. They are going to interview Hinch and other candidates that coached in the World Series first before announcing anything.
  16. We may see some activity or possible smoke but we may not see an announcement yet. I would have to imagine they would want this wrapped up before free agents can start signing with teams in 5 days though.
  17. I can’t wait for the World Series to end so the new manager can be announced and free agency can start. It’s so boring with this dead period.
  18. I can’t believe a thread is being started on this. No, Ozzie Guillen is not going to be the new manager. Hahn has already put this to rest in the presser and also mentioned that there may be some candidates managing or coaching in the series. They also have to wait until after the series is over to interview Hinch. That’s why it has been quiet. Nothing is going to get leaked or announced yet on who the new manager is going to be. Let’s move on from the Ozzie Guillen talk.
  19. I agree, let’s move on people. I guess there’s nothing else to talk about while we wait for the World Series to finish.
  20. I wonder how the interview with La Russa went?
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