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Everything posted by CWSpalehoseCWS

  1. Same. Everything prior comes off as regurgitated tea leaves.
  2. Short video, but I thought this was pretty neat. I always liked Burr, hope to see him get back to the majors at some point.
  3. Givens. Not sure what the ask would be, but it is Baltimore.
  4. Gotta give this guy credit. I don't know how anyone can pretend for so long.
  5. Yep. None of these options are overwhelmingly better than what they currently have. Lots of over-the-hill, 30+ arms that aren’t even guaranteed to be better than the current pen. sure they have the past track record, but there’s guys like Strop, Cishek, and Rondon that have injury concerns or major drop offs compared to their career norms. I think the Sox are working toward a trade for a younger arm that has a little more upside than what’s left on the market. No reason to go full panic mode in January.
  6. Is there a time limit to how long a team has to announce something? I would think teams aren’t allowed to sit on these types of things for too long.
  7. Isn’t Garcia technically the 4th OF in case of an injury? I’m not saying they shouldn’t go out and add a guy if he’s available, but Garcia more than proved he’s capable of filling in last season.
  8. He also kind of got hit around in the WS. I think the Sox may have dodged a bullet (assuming they actually were in on him). Plus, I don't know that many 38 year old [effective] relievers still around.
  9. I don't think we have to worry about Engel being anything more than the 26th man. He has value as a pinch-runner and defensive sub. Anything more than that and something has gone horribly wrong. I agree with you regarding Leury/Mendick. They might be good enough in a platoon role, but I think it depends on how the Sox view Garcia heading into this season. He could also serve as the weak-side platoon option for Mazara in RF. At least the Sox have a couple different directions to go. They are lucky Garcia is flexible enough to be utilized all over.
  10. Ok, I’m officially pumped for baseball to start. Great move, love he’ll be able to start with the team out of the gates. This is gonna be such a fun season.
  11. I think if you initiated a floor, then you end up seeing far more teams trying to remain at or around the floor than the ceiling. Using your earlier example of $100M as a floor base, only 6 teams were under that in terms of their total payrolls for 2019 (this includes injuries, etc). So it doesn't change anything in that regard. What's funny is for years the owners wanted a salary CAP only to be denied by the MLBPA. I don't think you would get either side agreeing to it now, especially the owners.
  12. A CAP/Floor system will not fix anything. Giving teams a floor when they already penny-pinch would not be a good idea IMO. You'll see more veterans screwed out of their paydays. You technically already have a CAP system in place with the Luxury Tax. There's nothing from stopping teams from going over it, and despite minimal penalties, they still choose not to do so. If you want to see teams spending again, get rid of the Luxury Tax. Then you fall right back into super team days of the Dodgers and Yankees. Not sure there is an answer that doesn't cause another problem down the road.
  13. He's quickly growing on me as a favorite. Seems like a perfect signing for this team.
  14. They aren't really broke, they are just refusing to go any more over the luxury tax threshold. It's understandable from a business perspective, but also very confusing because it is causing their window to close rapidly. Especially because of the amount of money that was pumped into the area surrounding the park.
  15. I don't think I like the idea of giving up Stiever for Diaz.
  16. Seconded, I didn't think there was a way to find this info out.
  17. Going to play this really conservative as I think this team is sitting at 85 wins right now. I'm still a little worried about the pen being able to close out important games. Plus there is a lot riding on the youngsters. Cease, Lopez, Kopech, Robert, and Madrigal all need to really hit the ground running out of the gate. I also expect a little regression to take place too with Giolito, Anderson, and Colome; but we should see that offset itself with all the additions made to the team. Should still be a really fun season, and my only expectation is to be .500 or better. Anything in addition to that is a bonus.
  18. Old tweet, but it seems this might be one of the NRI for the Sox this spring.
  19. It’s definitely not a black hole. At least for me, my biggest concern is Colome pitching closer to his second half stats. I’m not super trustworthy of Herrera, Fry, or Marshall. Bummer is the only guy I trust 100% right now and would like to see another solid option added to the mix.
  20. I know this account is complete bullshit, but it actually brings up a good point. If Puig's market is as bad as some seem to think it could be, I wonder if he decides to go overseas.
  21. According to Fangraphs, Mazara still has options left? Not sure if that is a possible route for them to go or not.
  22. I've never been that big on Puig. Always thought he's a fun player to watch, but he seems like an incredibly average hitter to me. After Encarnacion and Mazara, I don't see the fit for a guy who's traditionally hit RHP better his whole career.
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