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Everything posted by EloyRedGloveSWAG

  1. Well, Eloy had his pitch. ? He had a huge hanging curve to mash in his last at bat too.
  2. C’mon lets add some insurance here in the 8th. Don’t stop now boys. ?
  3. Thank god they got out of the inning without giving up the lead. That was so gut wrenching to watch.
  4. Would be such a relief if the bad weather carries into the late evening and this game gets called. ?
  5. I’m nervous for the Sox’s crumby bullpen. Hate to say it but I have a feeling that unless they score more runs, it’s likely someone in that pen will blow this two run lead. This Twins teams’ bats look pretty hot. ?
  6. I hope they end up calling the game and the Sox get an easy win ?
  7. Deja Vu I feel like I saw this happen earlier in the season with Gio on the mound....??
  8. I hate Yonder Alonso so much. Fat piece of s***. He needs to be DFA’d but you know that won’t happen.
  9. What’s up how is everyone doing today? Good to be back in here. Here’s to the White Sox getting a win today and ending their losing streak.? Praying that Lopez isn’t too shite.?
  10. Jose Rondon is so good he should be on the All-Star team ??
  11. I am glad we finally have an offense. Took long enough.
  12. I hate Tyler Flowers with a passion. Just call Phegley up already. He can't be as bad as this bum.
  13. LoL how many is that now?? What the f*** is wrong with these guys tonight?
  14. Mental mistake #1,000 Woo Yeah.
  15. Conor Gillaspie is a good player.
  16. Don't give up a grand slam Reed.
  17. Time for Paulie to check himself into a nursing home.
  18. The fog is back stronger than ever. If we give up the lead here, this game is probably over.
  19. Nice flip Alexei. Bautista up now with 2 men on an no one out. s***.
  20. Time to take Axel out. Fog is coming back. We need to hold on to this lead.
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