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Donny Lucy's Avocado Farm

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Everything posted by Donny Lucy's Avocado Farm

  1. I dislike him because he's an ass that yells at opposing players for having fun, not just Dodgers.
  2. they could also fill a rotation spot with a qualified pitcher who isn't a huge asshole. But ya, I see your point
  3. I hope that the Sox get creative with problem-solving the rotation instead of throwing money at it in free agency. KennyGM, for all his faults, was pretty good at finding value in the trade market. Aside from Cole and Strasburg, the free agent pitching options aren't worth their price tags, and unfortunately, I don't know enough about the rest of the league to know who is worth what and who would be available to even speculate.
  4. I'll likely get a lot of shade for saying this, but if the Sox sign Bumgarner, I'll be rooting against the Sox one out of five days.
  5. Reading through the various notes, tweets and stories... sounds like the Sox offered more cash money. Can't really be upset with ol Uncle Jerry on this one. He choose family/geography over $$.
  6. I am sticking to my original prediction of the sox offering 3 years 60m with a bunch or horseshit tied to the end based on performance and vesting options But Im gonna wait to see the details before I jump to conclusions.
  7. I live in "Braves Country" and they were talking about this on sports blab when I was on my lunch break today. Radio Guy 1: that's a lot of money for a #3 starter Radio Guy 2: How much money do you think these guys make? That's normal. This isn't 2003.
  8. I read his post quoting Heymen as tongue in cheek "seriously, no one knows whats going on"
  9. Hard pass on Madison Bumgarner, period. He's a jackass that yells into the sky every time an opposing player shows any semblance of emotion on the field. Yea, good luck with him and Tim Anderson on the same team.
  10. If they miss out on Wheeler, they'll act shocked, and let the fanbase know they made what they felt was the "best" offer.
  11. If the FO swings and misses on Wheeler, that's two off-seasons in a row where they publicly chased a "premium" free agent and didn't land them. With all of the superlatives and Hahnspeak surrounding the rebuild, I wouldn't be surprised if this was an intentional strategy. Don't forget, Jerry said it himself, carrot on the stick. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jaredwyllys/2019/10/05/chicago-white-sox-owner-jerry-reinsdorfs-comments-show-destructive-approach/
  12. no, but that Stephen Lombardo replied to it. He's the one who said that Wheeler was in Chicago last week.
  13. Steve Stone must have insider info that the “pitching on the way” is actually Ivan Nova.
  14. Not my money. But I’ll certainly be contributing more to the pot #shrug but my fear is a signing, or signings, like this will bring the day when the FO cries poor and these younger players leave in free agency or get traded in salary dumps
  15. by the way, are any of you guys the ones liking my OBVIOUSLY fake tweets?
  16. from what I've read, and I'm no pitching coach, you want 10mph difference. Any more off than that gives the batter too much time to recognize and adjust.
  17. yea but those 42 starts by 7 league minimum guys cost the Sox ~3.5m whereas Zack Wheeler is going to throw 180 innings and cost 22.5m? In order to be Jerry, you must think like Jerry.
  18. I was going to misspell Zack Wheeler too, but I thought that was too much.
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