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Donny Lucy's Avocado Farm

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Everything posted by Donny Lucy's Avocado Farm

  1. Castillo + Delmonico + Reed + Cordell + Skole + Rondon + Tilson + Jay + Alonso + Palka = - 3.8 oWar I really hope that the days of a portal between AAA and Bridgeport are over.
  2. lost in the Grandal lovefest (me included) is the fact that we will NEVER HAVE TO ENDURE A DANIEL PALKA at-bat ever again
  3. Soxtalk was up in arms over the Sox being cheap when they couldn't beat San Diego's deal for Machado, but 50 million for the "face of the franchise"" over the past 6 seasons while the team has been horrible, who is as classy of a player as you'll get, who is also fairly valuable... and we complain they overpaid. Jesus Fucking Christ people.
  4. my phone lit up in the middle of a meeting and I couldn't look... and now that I have a million things to do I'm F5ing baseball web sites.
  5. I was pretty butthurt we didn't sign Machado.... mostly because of what he represented in terms of a major shift to organizational philosophy. In hindsight, I am very relieved he did not sign with us.
  6. 13 pages and has anyone mentioned the Cuban connection with Grandal? PS: when can I buy a Grandal jersey T?
  7. Watching lots of Dodgers games, I can tell you he is also a bit iffy and slow on plays in front of the plate... But we lived with ol AJ for what... 9 seasons?
  8. WOW. just. wow. I will stop whining and b****ing now. Go get em, Rick.
  9. I think that the two are exclusive of each other. Vizquel's status is incidental to Rentaria's.
  10. I am on the east coast, so I am trying to plan when to spam F5 on soxtalk
  11. Didn't Andrew Vaughn say, after being drafted, that he wouldn't object to playing OF?
  12. I am guessing this is nothing more than posturing to get Uncle Jerry to take him seriously. I mean, remember PK spending a weekend in Anaheim to get Uncle Jerry to take him seriously, too... That deal got done.
  13. on my honeymoon, we ate at a place called "Chicken in a Barrel" that was literally a dude smoking chicken in a barrel, on the side of the road. Sometimes, those are the best places. Its an entirely different story when a team tries to be a five-star franchise and leads on its fanbase. If the Sox want to do business in the FA market, they need to rethink how they manage the PR side of that. Telling the fanbase "we're going after so-and-so" is one thing, but publicly acting surprised when your horseshit offer was outbid is comical.
  14. I mean... if you consider the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, etc as the "fine dining" of professional baseball, the White Sox are the Chinese takeout counter that is protected with bulletproof glass. So Rick's "seat at the table" is probably one of those $4 walmart TV dinner stands. /metaphors
  15. These pipedream threads are fun, but let's be real here... this is the White Sox we're talking about, and the team ain't signing Cole or Strasburg. At least they'll have a seat at the table though.
  16. The worst that can happen is he takes the QO and turns into 2003 Paul Konerko... and ol Ricky refuses to take him out of the 3 hole.
  17. I guess the good news is that they can't QO him two years in a row.
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