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Donny Lucy's Avocado Farm

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Everything posted by Donny Lucy's Avocado Farm

  1. WOW. I hope he is alright and that his family is all right. He has been somewhat MIA in spring training after his "injury." As a gamer would say.... "GGs Adam."
  2. When I see articles like this, I can't help but think "f*** Jeff Samardzija."
  3. What the hell was going on in the video feed?? I popped it on and the score was 3-0... then it went down to 1-0. As heard at Wrigley Field and Soxtalk.com: "Guys, what's the score?"
  4. Never trust a man with two first names. Sox should take a hard pass on Jay Bruce. EDIT: wait.... Frank Thomas. Nevermind.
  5. 2016 comes out in a few weeks. But, I doubt I can nag/bribe my wife for her to "allow" me to buy ANOTHER game. Last week it was Primal... then yesterday, I dropped $90 on the gold edition of The Division. Maybe I'll wait it out for a used copy.
  6. QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 6, 2016 -> 04:21 PM) Is this Rowand on the webcast? The "color analyst" was introduced as Brian Anderson between innings, so.... I'm guessing its "our" Brian Anderson? EDIT: he mentioned playing CF behind Charlie Haeger, so I am pretty sure it's BA
  7. QUOTE (SAVVY18 @ Mar 3, 2016 -> 03:28 PM) And you can cancel the post-game show. navarro with a single. Then Saladino flies out to the warning track. Both he and Frazier with loud outs... both of which are probably HRs in USCF.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 3, 2016 -> 12:46 PM) The Dodgers have 78 starting pitchers. They don't need any of ours. yea... but.... 75 of them are on the 60-day disabled list.
  9. If I remember correctly from his days with the Rangers... he is pretty terrible.
  10. QUOTE (Knackattack @ Feb 25, 2016 -> 03:36 PM) The only reason I can think of to do it is to keep Sanders far, far away. *thumbs up*
  11. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Feb 25, 2016 -> 09:56 AM) I have mentioned on more than one occasion you never have seen both in the same room at the same time. Batman confirmed!
  12. All I can think about when I see press releases like this is..... "...I make the league minimum...."
  13. Maybe we'll start saying "Stever will fix 'im" instead of "Coop will fix 'im" on all dumpster dive acquisitions now.
  14. QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 22, 2016 -> 12:20 PM) What was your favorite moment of the Ian Desmond White Sox era? This post, for sure!
  15. I don't know if they still have it at the park, but in 2011 (last year I regularly went to a games before I moved south) they had a vendor selling spicy sausages with grilled onions. I swear to God I spent $50 a game at that vendor.
  16. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 17, 2016 -> 10:37 AM) Yep, at Nate Silver's site, where they were also debating the merits of the Angels trading Trout. As far as the Dodgers go, all that spending hasn't won them a World Series, nor the Mariners, Angels, Tigers, etc. The Red Sox, for three of four years now, have been a complete disaster. If the Cubs do win, hopefully the lesson won't be spending on Heyward, Lackey and Zobrist rather than a wide swath of trades breaking their way for 3-4 years. As a fan of the Dodgers, I just wanted to point a couple things out... 1. The new ownership group vowed to make a splash the first couple of years, hence the big spending. They said it wouldn't last forever. They had a pending TV deal, and needed to make a splash. 2. They also vowed to build a top tier farm system and scouting staff, which would feed the MLB club. Until they are productive with such, they "have to buy" players. Again, as a Dodgers fan, it kinda sucks watching them "buy" players but at the same time, I remember the days when Russell Martin, Matt Kemp, Clayton Kershaw, Matt Loney, Jonathon Broxton, Andre Ethier and Dee Gordon were the "Youthful Core". The one thing Ned Colletti did right (at least the team did right while he was GM) was draft and develop star players. Hopefully they get back to that soon.
  17. QUOTE (3GamesToLove @ Feb 11, 2016 -> 11:21 AM) They must've been a global change. At first I thought they just kept the pants, but those are road pants, at Marlins Park. He didn't pitch in Miami after the trade to the Dodgers...unless this is from another year. The background is a 'shop. Its probably just a road shot with a background added in.
  18. QUOTE (3GamesToLove @ Feb 8, 2016 -> 09:40 AM) My favorite Freddy moment was in 2010. He was off to a great start and reporters were asking what he was throwing. His response? "A bunch of bulls***." Wasn't it true that the reason he walked around the mount for 45 seconds after every pitch was because his arm was about to fall off and he was walking off the pain? What a badass.
  19. Speaking of "tanking" - why didn't Rachel Phelps just trade everybody instead of taking away the team whirlpool and team airplane??
  20. One thing I always missed from WSI after I left and came here was Lip's history articles. Thanks for posting it here, Mark.
  21. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 02:12 PM) Interestingly enough -- the Rockies just DFA'd Kyle Parker, which could be signalling a move on their part. Perhaps we could be trading for a Rockies OF instead. If that were the case, and they DFA'd a dude, the Sox would likely be sending over a player on the 40-man roster and they'd need to make room.
  22. QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ Jan 13, 2016 -> 02:47 PM) He was a .240 hitter away from Coors... Todd Frazier hit .233 away from home last year. You gonna s*** on him while you are at it?
  23. White Sox fail to sign Jayson Heyward, settle for Todd Frazier
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