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Everything posted by MikeKreevich

  1. They won 93 games last year under Tony. TLRDS (Tony LaRussa Derangement System) You think, maybe, the problem could be this team can't hit a lick?
  2. Sorry teacher, I will try to spel bedder. Garcia, with 30 at bats against Keller , has 10 hits. I think you would prefer my lineup to Tony's.
  3. O.K. Tony haters, post your batting order for tonight's game. Here is mine. 1. Anderson 2. Garcia 3. Roberts 4. Vaughn 5. Moncada 6. Grandal 7. Sheets 8. Pollack 9. Engel Leury because he hits Keller pretty good. Jose needs to sit.
  4. Most who post on this board don't remember. I do. That's not why he is disliked here.
  5. You La Russa haters need to stop. The know it all (in his mind only) Bernstein on the Score and others didn't get the manager they wanted so they want to disparage the Hall of Fame and three time winning World Series manager. Have you been watching the games? This White Sox lineup is 28 out of 30 teams in runs scored.
  6. What a crazy entertaining game. You can't win them all but wow, that was probably one of the harder ones. From the Chicago Tribune: According to ESPN Stats & Info, the Guardians were 1-626 when trailing by six or more runs in the ninth over the last 40 seasons.
  7. I agree that the Apple broadcast duo were unlistenable. Only wish our radio coverage synced up to the video I was watching. The camera work, for the most part seemed better than our local crew. Maybe Apple has better video cameras but to my eye I saw a difference. On the subject of steaming TV, I use hulu and half the time when I switch to another channel during commercial, when I switch back, I'm taken to the beginning of the game. Anyone else?
  8. Jason Benetti is quick witted and clever. I find his statistical minutia, boring Sox Math stick and insulting questions for others annoying . It took me about half a year to become tired of Hawk. Two weeks and I am already tired of Jason. Anyone else notice Steve Stone uses the phrase " he hit the daylights out of it", almost every game. When you watch every game little thing bug you.
  9. Are you referring to promo-matic? Having listened to Vince Lloyd, Jack Brickhouse, Harry Caray and Hawk Harrelson, I find Jason lacking.
  10. What made today's game more enjoyable was listening to Len Kasper and A.J. Pierzynski. No, "he hit the daylights out of it", no Nationwide jingle, no SOX Math or Sox Math video.
  11. Cubness, simply Cubness, at least that's what my cub hating friend insists.
  12. Being lucky enough to have heard Harry Caray and Jimmy Piersall and Hawk and Wimpy, I find Stone and Benetti lacking. Sure Jason is great at promos and stats but that's all. Stone knows the game but I am tired of his "He hit the daylights out of that ball" repetition. The Nationwide jingle is enough to vote against them.
  13. If you want to look for reasons for the current hitting problems, don't look at the fill ins. Look at Anderson (one hit in four games), and Abreu (two hits in four games). Moncada had three hits. Slumps happen!
  14. Came here to read the Tony hate I figured I would find. I found plenty starting at about page 39. No one criticizing his decisions has returned to give him any credit. Not only did the Sox win a huge confidence game but Marshall and Burr came away feeling really good about themselves.
  15. I am not a big fan of Benetti. That said, I wish they would call Hawk during games sometime and spend an inning getting his thoughts.
  16. Guess the message didn't get to Wes Helms. Adam Engel stole three bases last night.
  17. Collins needs to lose the sunglasses when he bats. Maybe he will find the ball.
  18. Is this your opinion? "90% think he's out" And why tie in Moncada's being called out.
  19. Since this is the TRL thread, Kudos to the old man today. Fielding a get away, tomorrow we have a doubleheader game line up, he completed the sweep. Removed Foster and Ruiz when he should. Replaced Lamb who was having a really bad defensive day. How many thought Grandal was going to pinch hit in the eighth and replace Collins? Tony bats Mercedes who drives in a cushion run, reducing pressure in the 9th. Give Tony credit for a game well played.
  20. I went back and rewatched the 10th inning and listened to see if I had missed Jason Bennetti or Len Kasper question the use of Liam Hendriks as the designated runner at second base. They hadn't questioned it and Kasper told us that was the way it should work. BENNETTI DID'NT KNOW! Being that LaRussa is a American League manager and highly unlikely to have ever thought about a pitcher used in this situation, I find it ludicrous that he is getting so much criticism. My guess is it's coming from those that didn't want Tony to manage the Sox. We lost because we have a couple people on our roster now that couldn't hit their way out of a paper bag.
  21. Crochet's fastball is down 2 or 3 mph recently. I haven't seen any mention of it. Cause for concern or part of a plan? And what's with his pants? He looks like a little leaguer.
  22. Quintana was a snake-bit pitcher with the Sox. He would pitch well and still lose. I was not sad to see him go and don't want him back.
  23. Now how about the White Sox broadcast on some other midwest radio stations as well. You get about 100 miles from Chicago and you can't listen to a radio broadcast anywhere. You can't buy Sox gear either, only Cubs and Cards.
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