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Everything posted by SouthSideTeacher
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Apr 12, 2012 -> 10:34 AM) I might be over confident but I believe the Bulls win tonight comfortably. Bulls 97 Heat 86 OMG. I've never seen a call this close. (Bulls win 96-86) Carjack the Delorean and make a run for the Almanac much? -
QUOTE (mr_genius @ Apr 1, 2012 -> 05:58 PM) that's a pretty interesting map. do you know the source? there is a lot of misinformation coming out of the media right now; trying to sensationalize and exploit the situation. I agree with you about the media's sensationalistic tactics. I've seen this map and several others like it used in lots of papers, online, and television news sources to try to map out the footsteps of both guys. I don't pay attention to that-- what does it matter now if the kid turned right or left? I pasted this version of the community map because it's a solid representation of where the car was left and where the body was found. If you're concerned with media tampering of the diagram I used, then an actual photo of the crime scene investigation supports my point-- the kid was not found near the street, but off the walking path in somebody's backyard. http://www.bet.com/content/betcom/news/nat...crime-scene.jpg and one in the light of day--no police tape http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/24/...893_634x418.jpg
QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Apr 1, 2012 -> 06:09 PM) I hope you never serve on a jury. Right back at ya, bro.
QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Apr 1, 2012 -> 05:59 PM) So you're just admitting that you're confusing what you believe and what you know. good one. Actually, what I'm admitting to is that I wasn't there. I don't KNOW with certainty anything about that night except what I heard in the real-time 911 calls and that a young boy is dead. NOBODY-- except the one guy with everything to lose-- knows with certainty what happened that night. Since Zimmerman's story is full of holes, I'm basing my opinion, my belief, on a common sense piecing-together of this guy's word and a physical map of the scene. The map don't lie.
QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Apr 1, 2012 -> 05:07 PM) Sure, but let me stop all of you there. You're all operating under the assumption that Zimmerman did more than just that, that he initiated the physical confrontation. And sorry, being freaked out doesn't suffice in that situation. If it did, I know a girl who would legally be allowed to kill every homeless person she has ever walked by, as she is terrified of them all. Didn't he though? Here is what we know to be absolute fact-- Zimmerman appointed himself captain of the neighborhood watch. He took his job so seriously that he regularly patrolled the small community with a 9mm. He's called police 46 times since Jan 2011, including one instance where he reported a suspicious looking 7-year-old playing on one of the streets he was 'watching' at the time. Common sense conclusion to be drawn here? He knew his neighborhood well enough that he wouldn't have to GET OUT OF HIS VEHICLE TO CHECK THE NAME ON ONE OF THE STREET SIGNS while he was out on 'patrol'. Yet that's what he told police he was doing. "I got out to check the street sign, and as I walked back to my car, the kid attacked me." Okay... well, the 'attack' (and subsequent murder) occurred NOWHERE near this guy's vehicle. In fact, Trayvon's body was found about a block and a half away from the car. http://bcclist.files.wordpress.com/2012/03...w=510&h=342 Blue BOX is Zim's car. Red X is where the kid's body was found. (The arrows are someone's best guess as to the exact routes that Zim and Trayvon took, but that's not what I'm attending to.) Any thinking person could easily put 2 and 2 together here. Zimmerman followed the kid by car for as long as he could--as long as Trayvon stayed on the sidewalks. When Trayvon left the sidewalks and started moving along the walking path in between residences--where Zim's car could not go-- Zim got out of the car and followed him the remaining block and a half-- These assholes always get away, right?-- until they met face to face. The killing didn't happen on the street. It happened in someone's backyard. How does this support Zimmerman's statement that he was attacked from behind while walking back to his truck? It doesn't. I believe Zimmerman initiated the confrontation. YOU don't have to, but for me, common sense and his version of the story don't mesh.
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Apr 1, 2012 -> 12:12 AM) Perhaps you should try "facilitating a dialogue" instead of telling the person that nothing they have to say matters, merely because you don't agree with it. Normally, I'd wholeheartedly agree with you--except that you missed the part of my post where I quoted MM admitting to "trolling on purpose" and his hope that Trayvon was at fault "so that everyone looks like the jagoffs they are..." So, yeah. I'm all for discussion, and even disagreement. I can hold my own. That's why I read & post here. Dealing with trolls? That's just a waste of my time, no?
QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Mar 31, 2012 -> 04:45 PM) And I explained that by admitting that I was simply trolling on purpose to take the other side of the polar spectrum. And I still do hope that the kid triggered everything so that everyone looks like the jagoffs they are for automatically assuming the worst and jumping on the media hype. Faulty logic? Alright, you're entitled to your opinion. For the record, I don't force my opinions or ideas onto my kids. I prefer to facilitate a dialogue where they ask all the questions and put in work to find their own answers. Not that anything YOU have to say here matters to me in the least.
The girl on the phone said that she heard the confrontation between Trayvon and Zimmerman, "Why are you following me?"/"What are you doing here?" and further that she heard shoving between the men and the phone falling to the ground. Nobody will be able to prove it, I realize, but if it was Trayvon who was pushed, (or grabbed, or whatever) in the exchange between himself and the guy who'd been stalking him in the dark-----long enough for the kid to even NOTICE, and then become creeped-out to the degree that he'd want to tell his girl about it---- wouldn't Trayvon be COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED in pounding this guy's head into the ground? I'm tired of hearing this bulls*** about Zimmerman's phantom head scratches and broken nose and his father's story that "If only Trayvon would have answered his questions [and done as he was told] the situation wouldn't have ended so tragically." As if the kid went crazy on Zimmerman OUT OF NOWHERE and Zimmerman had no choice but to shoot him in the chest. I'm outraged. This confrontation wasn't out of nowhere. Zimmerman armed himself and went looking for a fight with someone half his size. The police told Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon. He continued to stalk the kid--and found a way to get off the phone with the dispatcher (something along the lines of "You know what, just call me when you get here... Bye.") so he could play Dog the Bounty Hunter without REALITY ("Yeah, we don't need you to follow him.") dulling the thrill of his chase. In the few moments between the end of Zimmerman's 911 call and the police arriving on scene, the kid is dead. The only real witness to the crime is the one guy with EVERYTHING to lose. That fact alone diminishes his credibility, which is why these grainy videos and witness(?) statements become so valuable.
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Mar 30, 2012 -> 04:55 PM) Zimmerman's first reaction to the 911 operator asking was, "I think he's black...", he wasn't even sure. Yea, that sounds like profiling based on race to me. Maybe there is unaired tape of the 911 call where he says, "Let me make sure he's black...and if he is, I'll go after him!" Maybe then I'd lend more credibility to him being a racist than what we have now... Forgive me if I've missed someone mentioning this before--I've been trying to keep up with the thread but this one seems to be a case of miss a little, miss a lot. Has anyone else heard the part of the tape where Zimmerman allegedly mutters, "F****** C**ns" under his breath as he's following the kid on foot? Grainy audio-- so you can't be absolutely positive, but it sure sounds like it to me. I agree with the poster who argues that the DA opted not to charge Zimmerman because it wasn't a slam dunk and he didn't want to risk his job. It's just so sad all around. I'm tired of it. I face this room full of 11-14 year old boys who look at me and ask "WHY, Miss O?" and I am at a loss for what to tell them.
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 24, 2012 -> 03:45 PM) Ha. You just clearly defined J4L. This is why we love him. wait, we LOVE him? -
I dragged a bunch of my girlfriends out to see The Grey last night. I REALLY enjoyed it. Yeah, call me a complete wimp, but I was scared for a good part of the film. While in undergrad & grad school, I barely got to see any films at all, so this story was at the very least something new and fresh for me--unlike the SAME.OLD.ROMANTIC.COMEDY.BULLs*** my friends get all excited about time and again. I saw Safe House on a date last weekend and that was okay, but not nearly as thrilling as The Grey. (I felt like I'd seen Safe House ten times before.) Related note: I'm feuding with these girlfriends today after speaking with my sister this morning. She scolded me for not staying til the end of the credits on The Grey as I usually do. (My friends were whining that they were bored and I couldn't take it anymore so I left with them.) I guess I missed out on something great. Damnit.
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 30, 2012 -> 09:44 PM) I would trade anyone other than Rose for Howard. Yes, but would you trade THE REST of your starting lineup-- leaving only Rose behind to work with Dwight? -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 30, 2012 -> 08:34 PM) Correct. Nobody is hating on Noah for saying that we would trade him for the best center in basketball. As one of Noah's most passionate fans, even I would trade him for Howard---if that's ALL it'd take. My main argument against the Noah for Howard trade talk is that it WOULDN'T just be Jo. If you'd have to dismantle all that makes this Bulls team effective and special just to bring in ONE AMAZING GUY, then what good will it be after? Of course a ROSE/HOWARD combo would be incredibly effective... but if God forbid one of them were to go down with an injury, what good does it do you to send your entire supporting cast--as well as future draft picks and a TON of cash-- packing? They'd still just be a one man show. Ugh. Maybe I'm just not the gambling type. -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
Noah's pretty close to a triple double tonight--after 4 games worth of double doubles. still probably won't be enough of an effort to silence the haters. let's get rid of Noah--and damned near everyone else-- so we could bring in Howard, right? -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
UMMM, did anyone else notice that NOAH was introduced to the crowd as the starting man in the middle, and then Asik ran through the huddle? wtf? -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE (thxfrthmmrs @ Jan 21, 2012 -> 01:50 AM) Am I missing something, or was there not even a single post about the Cavs and Bulls game tonight. I know D Rose wasn't playing, but a 40 point ass whooping of the Cavs is still pretty awesome. I commented on the BULLS/Cavs: "In BULLS news, it seems like Boozer & Noah are communicating much more effectively of late. Haven't seen the usual wrestling for a rebound that eventually gets knocked out of bounds 'cause nobody called GOT IT. Yay for energy, boards, wins, and healing time for D.ROSE!" Battled through 2.5 hours in the snow to get to my place 4 mins before tip. THAT'S dedication. lol -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 20, 2012 -> 10:38 PM) Speaking of LeBron. The other night I heard he nor Wade had hit a damn 3 pointer all season. Then I'm watching a game vs the Spurs and LeBron is just going apes*** in the 3rd quarter, 3's galore. Games 1-10 (ONE THROUGH TEN) he is 0-5 on 3 point attempts - meanwhile this beastly cumguzzler is shooting like 60% on the season on mostly insane drives to the basket and OMFG dunks that really shouldn't be possible for a human. His last 3 games? After NOT MAKING A SINGLE THREE in TEN f***ing games? BLI-F*CKIN-DOW 9-14 from three point range. Dominant. Insane. No longer care that he wanted to be Wade's butt buddy. LBJ can put on a show. And yes, this is why the NBA owns all. It can be so utterly weird. and... I think I just fell in love with you. There's got to be some kind of award I can nominate this post for, right? -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
Life's been busy and i've missed a couple of days worth of posts. Now that I'm back and reading all of these at once... guhh. IDEA: Let's pour a couple of drinks and leave these crazy scenarios (Noah to Boston, for instance. Yeah, that trade's gonna happen at about never o'clock.) back at the lab. In BULLS news, it seems like Boozer & Noah are communicating much more effectively of late. Haven't seen the usual wrestling for a rebound that eventually gets knocked out of bounds 'cause nobody called GOT IT. Yay for energy, boards, wins, and healing time for D.ROSE! -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
From CSN: http://www.csnchicago.com/blog/bulls-talk/...&feedID=627 At the same time, Noah's perceived regression on offense could fuel new-found rumors about the Bulls' willingness to engage Orlando in a potential deal to acquire Magic All-Star center Dwight Howard. Although Chicago didn't make his list of desired destinations, Magic general manager Otis Smith has a tough decision to make -- whether to trade Howard by the March 15 trade deadline or risk losing him in the offseason -- and the Bulls could have the right pieces to tempt him, as a more-than-serviceable center in Noah (it wouldn't hurt that fans of the University of Florida, where Noah won two national championships, would likely be less disappointed in losing Howard with the arrival of the former Gator), a top-five NBA small forward in Luol Deng (after LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Carmelo Anthony and Paul Pierce, is there a player at the position outright better than Deng, one of the league's best two-way talents?) and a young power forward in Gibson (paired with holdovers Glen Davis and Ryan Anderson, the Magic would have a solid frontline, even with Howard's departure) and a combination of the Bulls' coveted, currently-protected future first-round draft pick from Charlotte (acquired from the Bobcats in the Tyrus Thomas deal) and their own 2012 first-round pick, as well as potentially a role player like swingman Ronnie Brewer or the rights to 2011 draft choice Nikola Mirotic (though the Bulls are on high on the European prospect, who won't arrive in the NBA for at least another season or two, and ideally, wouldn't want to part with both him and Gibson), in exchange for Howard and possibly Hedo Turkoglu and his massive contract would have to at least intrigue him. Alright, I get it. Howard = GOD. But would we really have to trade ALL THIS just to get him? He is --after all-- ONE man. One season-ending injury and all we're left with is D.Rose and some Sunny D back in the fridge someplace behind the purple stuff. also, fun game to watch tonight. I knew Noah'd be back for Boston. -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE (Felix @ Jan 10, 2012 -> 07:54 PM) He was shot by a sniper in the upper deck. (he's back on the floor and appears fine) Good one. -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
Im at dinner with the girls and turned my head from the screen just for a second. No sound here on the tv. Wtf happened to Rose? Oops, there he is. Nevermind, lol. #panickedthere4asec -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 08:29 PM) Boozer's rainbow shot is beautiful when on. And it means no more "Boozer clogging the lane for Noah!" s***. WTF Joakim. He's truly OFF lately. Watching him run up and down the court, it's like yeah, he's there, but he's not ALL there. It's like zombie-noah or something. Anyone else catch him taking smelling salts before the tip? Is this something that he usually does? I've never seen it before tonight. Are they all THAT tired? -
2011-2012 NBA Season Thread
SouthSideTeacher replied to DukeNukeEm's topic in A and J's Olde Tyme Sports Pub
I think the thing I love most about this team is that when one (or more--eek) of our guys is off, another steps right up. We saw it earlier this week with Omer, Boozer tonight. Noah will come back. edit: I spoke way too soon on Boozer lifting us up tonight. -40? yikes.