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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Don Cooper didn't throw a 97mph pitch middle in...
  2. F1 is always my number 1 sport so that's the good thing. Seems like they have been handling the pandemic well. Although the US Grand Prix here in Austin got cancelled. Which is a shame because COTA is probably my favorite track next to Spa. As far as people taking a "whatever" attitude to this...I'm in Texas it's happening constantly. Too many billy bobs dont give a shit. They don't care if they get it and get your whole family sick and you all die. Just as long as they get to go fishing or go into walmart.
  3. This dude is a fool. Most of his posts are nonsense.
  4. everytime a ball gets hit to Garcia I hold my breath
  5. God your gonna need a golf club with where this strike zone is at
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