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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Yep send him down and make him a reliever. He's done.
  2. That's a great deal I tell you what.
  3. Rick Hahn has just been lighting it up lately.
  4. Damn beat me to it. Good bye!
  5. We don't use those statistics from nerds on this ball club
  6. Well we sign those guys to be starters here.
  7. Tim Anderson down for a long period. Damn time to extend the rebuild by another 5 years.
  8. They might not be trying to lose but apparently they don't care either way. Otherwise they'd be doing everything in their power to fix the starting staff. Seems they are content with riding the bad to another top 5 draft pick.
  9. That's the name of the game with Hahn. Not trying to win and he never does.
  10. James was definitely not even close to being the "best" player we got this offseason. In reality it was Nova, Jon Jay and Yonder. To put it plainly Rick has done nothing atleast in my eyes to show that he is a good GM.
  11. But when Rick does it those are the "best" players he acquires.
  12. They aren't going to sign any of the stars but I expect the Bulls to give someone quite a bit of money to help the bench. I expect them to offer the Bucks RFA Brogdon over 80 million
  13. Yeah pretty much no chance that happens. All his talk is the middle line BS still.
  14. Well I mean..I don't think Hahn really gives two shits about the staff right now. It's been like this game 1.
  15. I guess the main question is what is Cease going to learn in AAA that he hasnt learned by now
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