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Everything posted by Baron

  1. That was the point of giving Bill James's projection for next year. As I said above it's not Abreu innings.
  2. More than you'd think but not a sample size of a Jose Abreu per year yet. What it seems like they are doing is the everyone bounce back plan minus Jose. I just fuckin hate it so much.
  3. Well that's the problem. Fine you don't want to pay Jose Abreu the money he got from the Astros. Maybe he could have been cheaper as was mentioned if we reached an agreement early on. Who knows. Where is that money been going lately? Has anyone seen it used? From what Rick Hahn is saying this is it. We may or may not have a few trades coming we'll see. But there's no incoming free agents.
  4. "How many innings has he played at first base?" So he doesn't have enough time in to judge him right?
  5. I never ever said outfield play. That's Bill James projections for him at first base. Why the hell would I compare his outfield play vs his first base play.
  6. Your the only one who brought up the outfield. You switched your argument from he's fine to give him more time.
  7. No believe it or not he actually played first base. Were you paying attention?
  8. Answer my question then. What are they doing without Jose? They let him go to the Astros who we are supposedly sitting competing with. Great. Are they spending that money on free agents? We just got into a whole argument on how they can't do that now. So as it sits we're worse off than last year correct? I know I know you expect Jose to nose dive.
  9. So which is it? He's fine or that he needs more innings before we judge him?
  10. Nothing you run it back. That's clearly the best they can do now. What are they doing now as he's gone? Looking back at it that was probably their plan.
  11. His UZR from Bill James is about -5 to -9. His DRS over a full season translates to about -10/-11. Fangraphs overall for his career (290 Total innings) is -1.3. DRS is -5. It's not trending in a good direction for such a small amount of innings.
  12. Well you got your wish. We got rid of a superior player right now in a window of contention.
  13. Fine....yes that's an interesting way of putting poor to bad. His DRS over a full season is going to be really fun to look at. Didn't you want Abreu gone everytime he came up for contract?
  14. Glad we got rid of Abreu and used all that money we "saved" to get..... no one. But hey we get to watch Vaughn and his defense at 1B next year. That's what counts.
  15. You know I'm starting to think we should have brought Abreu back and not let him go to the team we're supposed to be directly competing with.
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/new/
  17. Well. It's not exactly easy to explain how you let a player of that caliber go in New York.
  18. Everyone get into a Yankees message board now. It's going to be a s%*# show.
  19. That was the Rick Hahn way of saying that yes.
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