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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Conor flew out to the warning track. Boy does he suck.
  2. QUOTE (DukeofChicagoA1 @ May 31, 2013 -> 09:38 PM) Cause the BJ stands for blowjob That explains it
  3. Goodness Conor sucks....he keeps hitting those singles
  4. QUOTE (flavum @ May 31, 2013 -> 05:41 PM) Same lineup. Idiots. Not sure what its going to take for Robin to try out something else.....
  5. Thanks for the laugh. Looks like someone finally cracked on here and went crazy.
  6. QUOTE (flavum @ May 30, 2013 -> 04:33 PM) You call it crying. I call it venting. Nothing wrong with venting. See there's a line in which it stops becoming venting. I think many have gone over that line.
  7. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 30, 2013 -> 04:25 PM) This. I tend to avoid Pale Hose Talk in years like this, but sometimes a realistic has to come around and break up the monotony of people thinking Dayan Viciedo will become a superstar or that this team doesn't just plain suck. See I avoid it during games like this because of posts like this shortly after. The crying on here sometimes is unbearable.
  8. Good thing I decided to work on my car instead of watching the game.
  9. Welp time to look forward to the Hawks game
  10. QUOTE (fathom @ May 29, 2013 -> 03:45 PM) I've actually said there's no reason they can't be competitive again in 2015 or so. I have no problem with what they are doing now. If were completely out of it during the trade deadline fine. But if we're in the position we are now late July its not going to happen.
  11. QUOTE (fathom @ May 29, 2013 -> 03:41 PM) If they're out 10-13 games at the deadline, there's no reason for them not to look into trading some of the players on this team. There's no award given to a team for winning 78 games as opposed to 72. Ok great were not even close to the trade deadline yet. I know your anxious to strip the team down and suck for as long as possible. But lets wait a while and quit the constant doom and gloom. Its like listening to a bunch of teenage girls on here sometimes.
  12. QUOTE (flavum @ May 29, 2013 -> 03:38 PM) But the Cubs will make trades, get worse the rest of the season, and then get better draft picks next year. Will the Sox do that? We'll see. How about hell no. Christ some of you guys I'm just glad dont have control of the ship. Stay as far from a baseball organization as possible.
  13. Our relief pitching besides Reed and Crain has been...bad.
  14. QUOTE (Soxfest @ May 29, 2013 -> 03:35 PM) Cubs are so bad this is horrid to watch. They've gotten better pitching and hitting....normally you win games when you have those two.
  15. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ May 29, 2013 -> 03:33 PM) don't know that he had much of a chance on that one. Not after he tried to backhand it.
  16. As long as the Hawks win tonight Ill be fine
  17. Good work by our defensive juggernaut at catcher.
  18. Pitching not so good the last few games
  19. Viciedo and Dunn have been just bad today
  20. Dunn should just stand there when the count is loaded....good lord
  21. Danks should be done after this.
  22. floated another one right over the plate
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