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Everything posted by Baron

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 27, 2013 -> 04:42 PM) In the minors? He struggled for a year at AAA in 2010 trying to get his stroke correct as people were messing with it, settled down, and had a much more quality 2011. This is exactly why it sucks trying to develop guys. The norm for guys coming up from AAA is that a year, maybe 2, is necessary before you know what you have. A guy who is a successful backup then struggles for a year upon getting the starting job...that's exactly what should happen, regardless of the age. That's the norm. That's what you should expect. and still 50% of the time or so it doesn't work. See here's the problem. We suffer when he is up there swinging away at the plate which is a norm for him(something he has had trouble with in the minors and in the pros). Its only a matter of time before they replace him. There is absolutely nothing that I've seen so far that says lets continue this a little longer because he's about to turn the corner.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 27, 2013 -> 04:17 PM) Coming into this season, we'd all have agreed that we're incredibly weak in the minors at the catcher's spot, and 2 hot months from Phegley doesn't change that. Letting guys struggle for months is what you have to do to develop people. Sometimes years. If you do it for too many positions, you become the Royals. What has Tyler Flowers shown in all the years he's been in the minors and for the time that he has been in the majors that keeping him up to struggle is going to change anything? Other than maybe his average as it gets lower and lower.
  3. QUOTE (DukeofChicagoA1 @ May 26, 2013 -> 04:08 PM) You know what ole Jack Burton says at a time like this? Ol' Jack always says... what the hell
  4. Thats exactly what you didnt want to happen
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 25, 2013 -> 08:38 PM) OMG a rain delay might happen? Panic! Riot in the streets! Loot the grocery stores! Well ok...if you say so
  6. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 25, 2013 -> 07:30 PM) Most of my Chinese students prefer I-phone 4S to 5. Samsung has a bigger screen, but I've already known a couple of people who have dropped it a short distance and it broke...so not quite as resilient. HTC has the Quad Core tech, and is an increasingly-popular option here. Sweet thanks caulfield
  7. Getting my first smart phone tomorrow. Any suggestions? Seems the best are the Iphone 5, Galaxy S4 and the HTC One.
  8. Hopefully at some point the team will realize we need some offense coming from the catcher spot and call up Josh Phegley
  9. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 25, 2013 -> 06:38 PM) They have a lot more talent, though, than the Astros, IMO. And they'll supplement it, in all likelihood, with a Mike Stanton mega-trade at some point. Oh absolutely
  10. QUOTE (Jake @ May 25, 2013 -> 05:49 PM) I hope this time off for Flowers is being used productively His time off needs to be permanent
  11. Walk Alexei to get to Rios. Bold strategy lets see if it pays off
  12. Mark Gonzales ‏@MDGonzales 41s Danks to start Friday, Veal optioned https://twitter.com/MDGonzales So its official for Danks and Veal was optioned quickly after the game.
  13. Well I'm looking forward to watching Danks pitch on Friday
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