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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Yermin keeps hitting like this I hope he enjoyed his time in the majors when Eloy comes back
  2. Mercedes is going to hit below 300 by the end of the week
  3. Guess we can't blame Grandal for bad pitch calling today like is normal
  4. It's kind of fun to remember when we were excited about drafting Collins. He's been a turd.
  5. I think he needs to go. Billy and him are a wash to me except for Billys speed.
  6. OPS is better than Leurys and oddly enough not far away from what Mercedes was doing this month.....
  7. What are you getting at? That you don't understand them and are therefore BS or just don't understand?
  8. Unfortunately I'll have to wait for the Tim Anderson one. Seems like that sold out in 5 minutes.
  9. I love them. Purchased the flat brim hat but waiting to see what jerseys come back in stock
  10. He's going to get one for better or for worse. But once Eloy and Robert come back he better be hitting.
  11. and no extra base hits in a long long time
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