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Everything posted by Baron

  1. He's swinging at pitches not even close.
  2. Damn a catcher blocking a pitch in the dirt....don't show that to anyone who likes Collins
  3. Grandal would have had 4 walks today but ok
  4. Absolutely. Thankfully they are finally split up. Shows who the real problem actually is.
  5. I think around 8-10 years ago Joe West would have been up there with him.
  6. Credit where credit is due. For me Angel Hernandez is at the tippie top of the shit umpires in this sport and it's not close.
  7. Honestly Joe West's strike zone hasn't seemed too bad. One of two pitches for either side that have been outside.
  8. Nothing a little goal post shifting wouldn't help.
  9. Your the one that made the comparison. Not me.
  10. I should have prefaced with saying one of the above
  11. Yes you do and that's not a good standard to set. Look at the teams we were rolling out there. I'd like to have a catcher that's better offensively, defensively and better pitch framing. I think he could be easily replaced and this team not miss a beat.
  12. That's insulting to mediocre. He's been horrible defensively. Really the main tell tale sign that people can't come up with anything good about his offensive or defensive game is they say he calls a good game. Well whoopdeedoo.
  13. Wait what? I guess if you just ignore how bad he is defensively sure...
  14. Catcher should have been able to block that
  15. Sorry but I'd like to give myself a gold star for banging on drum for them to trade for Lance Lynn for almost a year now. Not missing Dane Dunning sorry.
  16. If you can still see with one eye open your ok!
  17. This isn't in response to the triple play. He's literally only had a week or two of looking like he can actually hit the ball.
  18. I will say one thing. Vaughn is quickly working into the going back to the minors or traded for outfield help player real quick
  19. Here I'll translate. Good game sucks to lose. Two good teams.
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