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Everything posted by Paulstar

  1. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 27, 2011 -> 03:42 PM) Meh, resulted in having the bases loaded with 1 out It doesn't matter. The manager's job is to put the team in the best position as possible to win, and if anyone can saw Ozzie has consistently been doing this, you are crazy. Dunn shouldn't be anywhere near the 4 hole until he at least starts hitting 2/3 of his weight.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 27, 2011 -> 03:31 PM) They do have the best record in baseball and the largest lead of any division leader. Yeah, but Lee and Halladay have not gotten any better from switching leagues. They have both continued their domination of major league hitters.
  3. Honestly, at first glance the play looks terrible, but from all the replays, it is impossible to tell if he got tagged. Terrible tag by the catcher. If that was reviewed, I don't think it could have been over turned (at least by using the NFL standard of replays). However, Lugo pretty much gives away that he got tagged with his reaction.
  4. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jul 27, 2011 -> 04:07 AM) A DH is generally a better hitter than the team's pitcher, but that's just my personal opinion. There are obviously different sets of advantages and disadvantages for pitchers in each league. If your logic was correct, why haven't Halladay and Lee just completely dominated the NL with the Phillies?
  5. It's obvious Peavy is pretty far away from being 100%. Really, from here on out he should be 5 IP and done, or be moved to the bullpen until next year.
  6. QUOTE (Real @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 08:20 PM) he isnt a long term solution from what ive read From what I've heard is they really like him in CF.
  7. QUOTE (beckham15 @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 07:45 PM) It will be hard to win it without him maybe this intense series will put a little spark in his play and he will come around (praying) And it's gonna be possibly harder to win if he doesn't come around and Konerko continues to get nothing to hit because he is being protected by a guy batting half his weight.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 07:44 PM) If a trade was in progress, the person beig traded wouldn't be on the field tonight. I was just suggesting that the trade isn't completed yet, as in trade not complete yet, and discussions still going on.
  9. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 07:26 PM) The more obvious question is: why is Dunn batting after Konerko? I've been asking this for a long time. And while I'm glad he hit a two run home run, it is bitter sweet because this secures the cleanup spot for him for the next month.
  10. Maybe De Aza is in limbo and a trade is in the process of being completed? Eh, I doubt it. Probably just another thing to get people excited and it turns out his wife was having a kid or something of the sorts.
  11. Frank was one of my favorite players and arguably the best right handed hitter of all time in his prime when he was mainly an opposite field hitter. The only other right handed hitters that could compare would be Hornsby and Jimmie Foxx (I'm not including McGuire and Bagwell is suspect).
  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 06:54 PM) If he could trade him and eat 50%, I'd be thrilled. Heck, at this point, I'd be fine with eating 99% of it. My thoughts exactly.
  13. I'd be tempted to see what you could get for Alexei. SS like him aren't easy to find, and while it might be stupid to trade him, he could also net a huge return in a trade. It'd be a risky move none-the-less. If Alexei Ramirez wasn't prone to a lot of mental errors, I'd probably say he'd be a keeper for sure.
  14. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 01:33 AM) If you mean a minor league pitcher, I think you are losing it. An unknown for Quentin? What young pitcher? I'm talking about someone like a Brandon Beachy.
  15. QUOTE (Paulie4Pres @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 10:42 PM) Why would you get rid of Quentin, even if you ARE rebuilding? I don't understand the logic. He's 28. He is one of the best hitters the Sox have. He seems to have bounced back pretty well from the injury issues. Trade away a known commodity, for unknown prospects that may or may not be as good as the guy they are trading away? Sounds pretty stupid to me. See what he's looking for as far as salary when the season is over, and go from there. At the very least, you bring up DV and see what he can do before trading away one of the very few power hitters the Sox have. If the salary he is going to command is an issue, get Rios the f*** out of here first and foremost. Trading CQ away will be just one more position the Sox need to fill next season. I just don't get it. 1.) He is a huge injury concern. 2.) He is beyond bi-polar with the bat. 3.) He isn't getting any younger or cheaper. 4.) His defense is suspect. 5.) We have a potentially (keyword!) better replacement waiting in the wings. Then again, you only do such a trade if you can get a really good young pitcher back in return.
  16. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 03:18 PM) I wish we played in the National League too. That is easily the worst argument anyone can make. A good pitcher is good in any league, and his 4 games vs. the AL this year have been just as good as his season stats. And even if his numbers are inflated (which I see as highly unlikely unless he pitched in Petco), he'd still be able to put up more than serviceable numbers in the AL, which would be gladly welcomed for 5 years of him being under team control.
  17. Of course I'm in. But that doesn't mean I want to see Kenny trade away more prospects for veterans and not pull the trigger on a Quentin for young pitcher trade.
  18. I'd almost be willing to see Sale traded if it meant a team taking on Rios' contract.
  19. What GM has ever confirmed any trade rumor the media?
  20. How can anyone make a serious argument against a Edwin Jackson, Matt Thornton, and prospect not named Viciedo for Rasmus trade? 1. Jackson is gone after this year and Rasmus is much better than any draft pick we can get back in free agency. Plus, any money that can be save is a huge positive with the fat contracts of Rios, Dunn, and Peavy. 2. I am a big Matt Thornton fan, but he is 35 years old, his fastball isn't getting any faster (and that's bad for a 1 pitch pitcher), and is owed 12 million guaranteed for the next 3 years. The Dunn, Rios, and Peavy contracts can potentially really handicap this team and saving money needs to be a top priority, at least I think so. 3. Any prospect in this system outside of Viciedo isn't a huge loss. Might someone like Reed turn into a stud reliever? Maybe, but the chances of that are similar to the odds of Rasmus becoming a perennial all star in CF. Its always a gamble with most prospects and young players. And, I guarantee Reed has no where near as much trade value as people tend to believe he does. Right handed relief prospects who aren't like Neftali Feliz usually aren't considered big time gets. 4. This organization needs as many good, young, and locked up players as possible. I understand the concerns with such a trade, but I see more positives than negatives.
  21. Love this, if it happens. Rasmus could turn out to be our CF for the next decade. Question then becomes, how the hell do we get rid of Rios?
  22. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 05:55 AM) They don't have .300 hitters stacked up in their line-up. They do have the best hitter in baseball, Cabrera, and V-Mart (whose power is down but so was Juan Gonzalez in that park). The All-Star catcher in Avila hitting 8th, Boesch and then Peralta and we know how good Carlos Guillen can be against us when he's actually healthy. That leaves 3B (which they're in the process of addressing), Magglio Ordonez and Austin Jackson as the 3 "weak" points. They have 3 guys currently above .300 (Cabrera, VMart, and Peralta), 3 more on the border (Boesch, Avila, and Betemit), and 2 more who are usually damn good hitters when healthy (Ordonez and Guillen). And Ordonez has risen his average I think 30 points already since the Sox played the Tigers. Honestly, if they get Beltran (I don't see it happening, but who knows) or Austin Jackson gets healthy and breaks out of the sophomore slump... they could wind up with the best offense in the league come August. And with Verlander, they need two or three starters to get hot to be scary, and that is a legit possibility with the talent they have in that rotation with Porcello and Scherzer.
  23. I believe he would have to accept any demotion down.
  24. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 22, 2011 -> 03:47 PM) I'll say it - I wouldn't vote for him on his first ballot. If Joe DiMaggio, Jimmy Foxx and Roberto Alomar aren't first ballot Hall of Famers then neither is Jeter. Really, this is your argument? Not until the late 50's/early 60's when the 5 year retirement rule was put in place, players usually never got into the hall the first time around . There was basically a log jam of studs waiting to make the hall back then. In fact, DiMaggio was the last player to receive a vote while still active.
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