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Everything posted by pettie4sox

  1. I think people see Bernie as Ron Paul at this point. Hopefully people show up to the polls.
  2. The cubs are starting to beat the cardinals. This could be an interesting post season.
  3. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 19, 2015 -> 08:36 PM) Keep the kid in. Maybe see if he can get through the 8th.
  4. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 18, 2015 -> 01:14 PM) Don't some of the national polls show that the republicans would win (in a hypothetical vote vs. Madam Clinton)? Also, the senate and house have a republican majority and the republicans cleaned up during the last mid-year election. I realize you might have the opinion that the repubs are disorganized and horrible (and you disagree with their policy / approach) but the recent voting track record might disagree with that. Bottom line, I expect this to be an extremely close election and any prediction that the other party has no chance is just crazy talk at this point. If Trump (who I hate more then any candidate) is able to get this much attention (along with other outsiders like Carson & Carly) and traction, it should tell everyone (Repub / Dem) about how sick and f***ing tired we are about what is going on in Washington. Have you heard of gerrymandering? If anything people tend to vote to give checks and balances. The last time republicans had a majority in the house and senate and presidency... well I don't really need to say more than that. You can bring up Obama and his majority in the both the house and senate in his first term but he just had a year and change of that due to the 2010 elections. Back to your original point about the presidential election. You really have to be blind not to see how this country views a lot these social issues. People are becoming more progressive; that is accepting of gays, not wanting to get involved with a woman's body, and not wanting f***ing religion stuffed down their throats. You watch the debates and these clowns don't have a single idea that could work. It's just defund PP, Obama sucks, the Iran deal is terrible, repeal Obamacare. Trump atleast says, I'll build a wall. That's about the extent of their ideas. They are a bloody mess and they don't have any ideas that are good for the country. People are waking up to that notion real fast. Now that is not to say they can't regroup but their outdated views have been regurgitated ad nauseum. Clinton does suck but I don't think she will be the nominee.
  5. Was that the last time the Cubs and Pirates play this season?
  6. I think Avi can improve. He's not exactly hopeless. His problem is pitch recognition. He needs to stop swinging at s*** so he can actually get something to hit.
  7. I can't really picture a scenario where a Republican wins anytime soon. They are a rotten mess as if you look at the debates it's worse than high school.
  8. Didn't Swisher when he played for the Yankees do something like this to the Japanese SS the Twins had?
  9. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 02:24 PM) This is one thing I dont get about the socially conservative republicans. Theyre anti abortion and PP but are also the first people to complain that they dont want to have to financially support other peoples mistakes. Its kind of like how liberals are all up in arms about how corrupt police can be but will also blindly support any union. Well congratulations, you created an environment where police can do whatever they want and essentially get away with it. Social conservative republicans don't have a chance in hell of getting elected. They are worried about stupid things like defunding PP instead of what they would do to be better than Obama. It was kind of funny how they just blamed Obama for everything when there was a giant elephant in the room last night.
  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 12:48 PM) Turns out she was referring to a different video, put out by an anti-abortion group. Which wasn't taken at PP apparently. And no one is aware of the context of the video either. She conflated (intentionally or not I have no idea) that with the PP body parts video. That in itself is the problem. The republicans are bellowing about how they must defund PP over a video and the video in question didn't even come from PP.
  11. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 10:58 AM) I thought Jeb did pretty well and I agree, his brother did protect the country. I don't think many would disagree with the statement that he made the country safer. Jeb never said he George didn't have his faults, just said the country was a safer place (and the crowd ate it up and other candidates sure jumped in and backed it up as well). In fact, I think the opposite, the way Trump handled that situation could be one of the first signs of weakness for him as I don't think people liked that reaction. But I'm the wrong judge cause I don't like much anything Trump says. Define protect the country.
  12. Fiorina was such a non factor in my opinion. She went overboard as you said with the abortion shindig but all in all I don't think she did enough to say she's not a loony toon like the rest of them.
  13. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 07:38 AM) I think Kasich by far would make the best President of any candidate from either party, but the Republican primary voters are just way too far right to nominate him. Jeb is in a no-win situation. If he defends his brother he's defending a lot of bad decisions, if he doesn't defend his brother then he's viewed as betraying his brother to win votes. Kasich is better than Hillary but Bernie Sanders is the man right now.
  14. The only republican that seemed tolerable was that Governor from Ohio, John Kasich.
  15. I'm sure the union has something to do with 25 men.
  16. QUOTE (JUSTgottaBELIEVE @ Sep 16, 2015 -> 12:49 PM) Decent chance this streak gets broken on Sunday but this stat is insane: It's been 17 games since Rodgers threw his last interception in a home game. That's a streak spanning 512 pass attempts. He's had 41 touchdown passes in that span. When is the last time Rodgers threw a pure interception?
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 15, 2015 -> 10:32 PM) Lexi and Leury do the job. Glad I tuned in in time to watch. Can you believe how bad Shark is? Some GM is gonna give that guy 15-20 mill a year for 4-5 years?? My gawd, sports are disgusting in how they throw away money. Do you really think he's going to get that much money? He is going to end the season with 5+ ERA!
  18. That is a good question... is the Shark Cage still around?
  19. I agree that Rodgers is a magician. Nelson is good but AArod will put the ball where it needs to be. By the way for you peeps that think I'm basing his status on his comebacks, that's just a piece of the pie. He led the league in most pass categories last year. I personally just think the guy has turned a corner. Vintage Romo throws a pick on that drive last week and the 2 interceptions he threw weren't even really his fault.
  20. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Sep 15, 2015 -> 02:12 AM) Wouldn't the best QBs not need to come from behind? Absurd.
  21. Meaningless games don't appeal to people. It's not Rodon or Sale pitching and TFT is out.
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