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Posts posted by pettie4sox

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tony said:

    Once the election is over we will close the thread and are going to continue to keep politics off the site.....but we felt it was important to give people an outlet for this event. 

    Maybe we'll open the 'Buster back up at some point, we'll see. 

    I would take a wager it depends on who gets elected whether the buster gets opened again.  Huge money.

  2. I think once the election is called this thread will get locked but I am surprisingly impressed as the decorum so far.  I think there are a few troll poster who stir things up and then everything descends into chaos.

  3. 1 minute ago, BigHurt3515 said:

    3,582,790 ballots counted at 51% estimated in. Your numbers don't add up. Obviously 51% could be way off

    PA does not touch mail in ballots until after the on day ballots are cast.  There are 2.2 million ballots that are mail in.  Those are overwhelming dem.  I am just reporting what was stated.

  4. Well I think we all hoped it would be resolved tonight but alas it's not the case.  Oh well, I see the mail in ballots holding states favoring Biden so yeah we should get ready for civil war.

  5. 1 minute ago, southsider2k5 said:

    Honestly?  I am the furthest thing from a Biden supporter.  I believe that Donald Trump is such a danger to this country that I am willing to support Biden despite all of his baggage and things I disagree with.  The funny thing, the President himself has said a multitude more of irrational and stupid things, why isn't anyone questions his mental capacity?

    Hamberders, covefe, slurring anonymous... yeah if you make that argument for one you make it for both.  Otherwise you're just a partisan hack.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    Good for you dude; I had a best friend who died in Afghanistan. He signed up for the National Guard under the premise they would help him pay for school. He was told he would not be shipped off to war by his recruiter and that it was a way to pay for an education and gain some discipline and experience on the weekends.

    He was shipped out 12 months later, and died 3 weeks after. Spare me your nonsense.

    The military lies and exploits societies most vulnerable.

    I love that you think you can speak for every soldier, yet my friend who is no longer with me would tell you to f off and that you're a clueless hack.

    Ray I feel like your tone is going to lead to some BS and I like the thread open.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Dallas Kong said:

    Should it happen, nobody will be responsible for it but me.

    I would still want you helped even if you don't think it's important.   “A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”

    We are not all dealt the same cards and I don't know how people ended up in certain situations but I believe we have a duty to help our fellow man regardless.

  8. 1 minute ago, Dallas Kong said:

    This is nuts, man. You can postulate about it, but you can't point to it actually happening because it hasn't. It never will.

    Google has about 100,000 employees worldwide. In 2016, Trump won each of the Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana by over 100,000 votes. He won Idaho by 200,000+. So even if Google decided to place EVERY SINGLE ONE of its employees in Fargo, and every single Silicon Valley Google bro decided he was fine with moving his life out there, and every single one of those lads and ladies was an ardent liberal, North Dakota STILL would have gone for Trump.

    You're not playing chess. You're playing Calvinball.

    You're actually playing uno because once again you're seeing things linearly.  Let's try this, the 3 million more people that voted for Clinton than Trump move to equally to let's say 3-5 states... how would that mess up the dynamic of the election do you think?

  9. Just now, The Beast said:

    What solution do you propose for workers and current employees whose jobs will be automated away or whose industry is going away because there are more competitive forms of energy (coal miners, for example)? That is one thing I would love to ask blue collar workers since they tend to believe Trump’s statements on bringing these jobs back. UBI might not be the answer but at least Andrew Yang is one of the few political figures I have heard who addressed these problems.

    Come on now man, they just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps... lazy liberals wanting free shit... goddamn stain on our country.

  10. 1 minute ago, Dallas Kong said:

    Likewise, the bolded is your opinion.

    I empathize with the homeless. But you must consider that many of them deal with substance abuse and mental health issues. It's not simply like you're going to hand them $1,000 a month and their problems are going to vanish. You think the US is a failed state? You're free to do so, but I think many of these are failed human beings. You're living in a fantasy land if you think this is unbelievable just because the nation as a whole is wealthy.

    I disagree with the idea that we gave 5T to rich people. You can disagree with tax cuts, but if you can't see that there is a massive difference between "you may keep more of this money you made" and "we are going to give you money these other people made", then I just don't know what to tell you.

    We are just going to agree to disagree and that's fine.  May you never be in a vulnerable state and I drive by you because I thought you were a failed human being.

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Dallas Kong said:

    So if Google, Apple, and Microsoft decided to move their entire operations to ND at one time, assuming those techies are an ideological monolith in the first place, they could steal three whole EC votes, and that’s why you don’t like it? C’mon man, that’s as nutty as something Q would come up with.

    Listen, you are playing checkers when you should be playing chess.  They do this systematically for let's say 2-3 states (in reality they could do more).  Not only is it 9 EVs but that's 6 senate seats and some reps seats as well.  That is effectively a coup.

    • Like 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, Dallas Kong said:

    So support a limited welfare state, which I do. You and I don’t deserve $1k extra a month just for being alive. So scratch UBI entirely. I can pay for my health insurance, so let’s establish a public option for the neediest but let those who can handle it themselves do so. Rather than trying to live off minimum wage, encourage self improvement and let teenagers make $7.50 an hour. There is affordable housing out there but it might not be in SF or Brooklyn (hell, I couldn’t even afford housing in those places). So get out there and find it.

    The bolded is your opinion.  I do not believe in the richest country on earth we should have homeless people begging for money and sleeping on the street.  We can pull money out of our asses to give 5T to rich fucks but we cry poor when it comes to helping our most vulnerable.  The US a fucking failed state.  Just because some are doing well and think all is good in their egocentric bubbles doesn't mean other people are doing great.  If we start taking care of our vulnerable population America will run like a fine tuned machine.  The rich people will still get their dough because people will have money to spend.  Not everyone can work or find great jobs... your location and the local economy dictate what jobs are available for the most part.  That is why metro areas have the most people... more opportunities in theory.

    The last part, you're telling me some poor broke ass person could easily find a house if they wanted?  I would give you whatever odds you want in a wager you're dead wrong.  The government's job isn't necessarily to be a nanny to its people but to have resources available to help people who are down in a succinct manner.  If this pandemic taught the US anything, it should be that this country is a virus away from totally crumbling and that's because its foundation is weak.

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  13. The EC is susceptible to manipulation.  These smaller states with sub million population could be overrun with states with larger liberal populations pretty easily.  If you flood ID, WY, UT, The Dakotas with 300k liberals, you change the dynamic of the entire state with one swoop.  I rather not have that level of influencing elections by opening up tech businesses in these areas and effectively coup-ing the shit out of these states.  The EC needs reforming and fast because both sides like it for their own partisan reasons, there is nothing to stop what I just stated and repubs would absolutely cry foul.

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