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Everything posted by pettie4sox

  1. Represent the people who voted for you and not the corporate wankers. It's really that simple.
  2. How about a clear and unified message? No servant can serve two masters.
  3. It just shows how weak the DNC is that they allow a dope like Trump to roll over them. We need Change we can believe in. ?
  4. Trump: Master of moving the goalposts. I can't wait until he is gone and then we can listen to bmw of sad trumpers. That will be a glorious day indeed.
  5. Eh Reddy, I personally feel like you are reaching here. Dinosaurs will die and the youth will take over. I can't relate to a 50+ year old but I sure as hell can relate to a younger adult who has serious concerns about the future of this country. Dinosaurs are extremely resilient to change and they have collectively ruined the future of our country with their shenanigans. There comes a time when the old school way of doing things needs to be replaced. That's why you see a plethora of people wanting to vote for candidates that put them first. M4A, College, a living wage is something most Americans can get behind if explained properly. The people who are (R) supporters will never change their mind as they are under the illusion they did everything and accomplished everything because of their hard work (newsflash, that's only part of it). The independent vote which is surprisingly a good amount of voters are the targets. Without them showing up or voting to give Trump a chance, we would not have him as President today.
  6. I read somewhere that in 2012, Heitkamp was down double digits in the polls and won. Do you really think if she voted to confirm Kavanaugh, she could be more comfortable in the polls at the moment?
  7. He really should win that race. Cruz is bad for America.
  8. Reddy is the king of if you don't like my way, you're just wrong.
  9. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the different results. America needs to evolve, it's been a stagnant Neanderthal for a while now.
  10. Liberals could move to this low population states and turn them blue with ease. There are way more liberals in the US than conservatives, however most are independents.
  11. I don't know guys maybe just maybe a president should try to represent all of the people of the country regardless of their political affiliations? Trump doesn't even try to play ball, he just wants his agenda or his guy through, and if it doesn't go his way, he whines like a baby.
  12. Yeah, I'm still mad Hillary lost to Trump. She was awful but Trump is Glass Joe in punch out. 80,000 voters gave Trump the electoral victory. I imagine a Chicago suburbs worth of people will get off their ass and vote this elections in those states.
  13. So because a couple of the most populated states voted for her, her vote total is invalid? Am I reading this correctly?
  14. They could have got justice without as much baggage as Kavanaugh. Trump just likes him because he believes he will allow him to get away with his criminal activities.
  15. Trump has been dreadful. The only people who like him at this point is his base and they were never going to change no matter what. You need to get those people who didn't vote off their rear ends and choose a side.
  16. Trump got his two justices but how did Gorsuch get through so cleanly...
  17. Yep I can't imagine the women of Maine will take this lightly.
  18. Did the people of Maine, a blue state really tell Collins to vote YES on Kavanaugh?
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