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Everything posted by pettie4sox

  1. QUOTE (Quin @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 03:19 PM) Alright you two, break it up. Well technically, he was suppose to be ignoring me but he can't himself.
  2. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 01:26 PM) I have no problem being called a "hater". I pretty much ignore the opinion of anyone who uses that phrase.
  3. QUOTE (Dam8610 @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 11:58 AM) Sure they would. Minority representation. As it should be. This is not cool. Rural areas need to be heard as well. They have different problems than urban folks and they are often hand-waved by urbanites. I don't have any solutions regarding that atm but it should be looked into to see how they can be better represented.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 11:11 AM) US to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli capital and relocate embassy. This is going to cause a s***storm in the ME. Turkey has already said it will cut off diplomatic ties. What a lunatic. Seriously, he's just doing things to stir things up and potentially putting the state workers at risk.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 11:03 AM) Let me tell you about gerrymandering and voter suppression, my friend. Hell, Roy Moore was getting his supporters all riled up last week because Jones' campaign was REGISTERING FELONS!!....which was made legal after the Republican Governor in Alabama restored voting rights for some felons earlier this year. The President of the United States still maintains that millions of fraudulent votes were cast for his opponent last year. Let's face it, Alabama will always be a red and backward ass state. I am sure there are states that with people getting off their butts and going to vote could make the difference. That's the ones I am talking about.
  6. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 10:45 AM) I felt when Trump was elected that Congress even the Republicans would be a nice check and balance. The partisanism of government has now ended the system of checks and balances and we get what we had in the tax bill where there really is little governing any longer. It is just taking what you want. I know I guess i was naive and a hopeless romantic. I understand it has been like this for a while but I felt there were some republicans that had a spine, I guess not. They will pay dearly for their mistake. Politicians before Trump was elected, were savvy and subtle in their ways to screw over people. They are trying to do it now too by saying bs like you will save 4k on your taxes which is false. With Trump, they are openly saying things like this tax plan benefits the rich, the estate tax repeal only benefits the rich, and if you didn't drink booze and buy hookers, you could be rich too. These politicians have never tasted what it means to be poor and they will absolutely get people out of their homes to vote in the upcoming elections. Generally, people are happy with some crumbs but when you take those crumbs away, they will become desperate.
  7. QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 10:15 AM) Article from July https://www.google.com/amp/thehill.com/home...es-beyond%3famp Oh man, Trump really thinks he is a god or something?
  8. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 08:59 AM) oh, and Bernie's tours are just to promote himself for 2020, while O'Malley's are actually to help win elections for Dems. So. I'll take that every day of the week. Alright Reddy, your trolling knows no bounds. Just stop it man, you sound like a bitter ridiculous hater. Bernie is one of the most liked politicians out there, that is an irrefutable fact. No matter how much you try to discredit him, that will not change. He is working for the people who elected him and some. Bernie is a beast.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 09:17 AM) Your next Senator from the great state of Alabama: Good lord where how did pro choice evolve to Dems love killing babies? If you don't want an abortion, don't get one?
  10. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 09:51 AM) I don't think so. You see people from all situations embrace that philosophy. It's not "I can't think for myself" because it's rather that they made the calculation that the best thing for them and the country is that the other side is embarrassed. I get your point, I just see blind partisanship as a dangerous way to conduct oneself.
  11. QUOTE (Quin @ Dec 5, 2017 -> 09:34 AM) Oh boy. Didn't Donnie say to not go there? I don't doubt he said this but, he told Mueller specifically?
  12. QUOTE (Quin @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 02:12 PM) I really enjoy that Trump's lawyer is using Nixon's defense Yep, now we can hope for the same result.
  13. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 09:44 AM) I don't agree with that. I think the issue at present and maybe forever is the idea of antagonistic politics. It's not as important that good policy comes out that benefits me, it's that I benefit from my politicians actively hurting the other side. The "Lib Tears" Doctrine. Grassley's supporters, even if they are unemployed or alcoholics,, know that Grassley's not talking about them, he's talking about those other deadbeats that don't work at all and live in cities Doesn't that in fact mean they are simpletons who cannot think for themselves? If you cannot realize that comment is a general statement and not one for the lazy liberals in the metro areas; then I don't know what else you would call it.
  14. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 08:56 AM) Grassley explains why people don’t invest: ‘Booze or women or movies’ How do the Democrats ever lose to these people? I think you have too much faith in humanity. A lot of the people you run across in life are simpletons who cannot think for themselves I'm afraid.
  15. QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Dec 3, 2017 -> 09:54 PM) As an independent. I don’t see trump as perfect. But my problem is that most people who complain about Trump were pro Hillary. Naturally. However she was a bad candidate whether you wear red glasses , blue glasses or independent glasses. Most Bernie bros I have spoken with were more anti Hillary than trump. I could only take a Hillary voters opinion on trump with a tiny grain of salt. I do enjoy conversations with Bernie fans though. I could also respect those who are in the “they both suck” group. On a serious note, I do believe a lot of Berners either stayed home, voted 3rd party, or held their nose and voted for HRC. I can't really picture any of them crossing partisan lines and voting for Trump. Hell, a lot of people on the forum were trash talking HRC before the election. She's not that liked.
  16. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 4, 2017 -> 09:09 AM) That would make one of his troll posts worth it for the day. :lol:
  17. QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Dec 3, 2017 -> 09:54 PM) As an independent. I don’t see trump as perfect. But my problem is that most people who complain about Trump were pro Hillary. Naturally. However she was a bad candidate whether you wear red glasses , blue glasses or independent glasses. Most Bernie bros I have spoken with were more anti Hillary than trump. I could only take a Hillary voters opinion on trump with a tiny grain of salt. I do enjoy conversations with Bernie fans though. I could also respect those who are in the “they both suck” group. You will now face the wrath of Reddy. Good luck!
  18. QUOTE (raBBit @ Dec 2, 2017 -> 02:19 PM) My bad, I should have been more clear. I wasn't speaking in reference to you. Frankly, I didn't understand your initial comment towards CWS. CWS basically questioned why SS had to misquote and mischaracterize someone's words. You drummed it up to him arguing just to argue. I think it takes less work to just quotes someone rather than misquote them and conjure up an alternate reality, or "paraphrase" as someone put, to strike at a particular narrative. CWS and I may not agree on everything back here but I appreciate that he feels the need to police the board from people using their own political beliefs to carve their own reality. If someone says something on the record, we don't have to put words in their mouth. We can just quote them and use their actual words for them instead of playing make believe to suit an agenda. It says a lot about CWS's integrity in politics that he's willing to defend Cruz, someone he says he doesn't agree with, when someone else is lying about Cruz's words. SS has his reputation on the buster and that's all that I was going on. If anyone else makes that comment, I probably don't say s***. Edit:Balta too lmao
  19. QUOTE (raBBit @ Dec 2, 2017 -> 02:03 PM) Blatantly misquoting someone = okay. Questioning someone's misquoting of another = not okay. Rabbit he has every right to do that. I'm not trying to take that away from.
  20. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Dec 2, 2017 -> 12:11 PM) I have no idea what the f*** you’re getting at here. Maybe you don’t know what the word “disingenuous” actually means. Chill brah. You basically said you know Cruz's comments were 100% bulls*** yet you're going after SS for paraphrasing? To me that just screams you're trying to argue to argue, but whatever it's the buster. I don't know you personally so I won't get into the last part of your comment. I did not mean disrespect by it, I personally was just trying to call out your shenanigans.
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 2, 2017 -> 09:48 AM) Everyone understands we are heading into another recession again right? I just don’t get these people. How do we take advantage and get rich?
  22. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Dec 2, 2017 -> 09:34 AM) Exactly. People are discussing the changes in this tax bill come 2025 like they matter, which they wont. A new liberal tax bill will be voted in way before then. People thought Trump had no chance to win the presidency, myself included. I will never underestimate the American voter again. Now how will he spin this to his base that's it's actually good for them? Maybe they will just lap it up like the good dogs they are? Maybe Trump vetoes it because it's not his version of the bill?
  23. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Dec 2, 2017 -> 01:11 AM) Except for the fact Cruz is defending the people’s right to vote for Moore since the accusations are public knowledge, but he’s also not defending the underlying actions he’s been accused of. Obviously he’s a scumbag and I don’t agree with his thought process whatsoever, but there is definitely more logic to his comments than StrangeSox led on. As for the Franken stuff, his focus was on the hypocrisy on Democrats looking the other way on Franken. Again, there is some underlying truth to what he’s saying even if his motive is 100% partisan bulls***. There is simply no reason to spin his comments, they’re bad enough as is. Man I can't help to think you're being disingenuous af right now.
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