I don't want to derail the thread, but wasn't he found no guilty or whatever? I think the MLB just has beef with him over him consistently shitting on the league over the years.
I agree 100%. It will wipe out some people's debt, but those people have been paying for years to get to that point. I know people who are 100K+ in debt. 10K is nice but it's not life changing. Next time some tax break for the rich comes up, we all should riot and file a lawsuit.
Sounds legit to me. The amount of haters and people complaining about this is amazing though. They act like 10-20K is a lot of money. The people over the course of their loan probably pay that in interest alone. So the government is just giving back the profit's made on the loans.
You guys can have your 600 million, I want my 2.04B ?
You invest most of it if I'm correct. Holding f*** you money like that in a bank is dumb as it won't make any money at all.
Yeah you take the 20 mil a year and build generational wealth every time. Do you want 100K now or a penny doubled every day for 30 days? I'm sure I'm butchering it but yall get the point.
This! I love Jose, but unfortunately the roster construction doesn't allow him to be here. If they trade Vaughn for some mlb talent, that could work too, but then Abreu is going to be 37 next year.