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Everything posted by pettie4sox

  1. Remember when GWB was considered the dumbest president we had? Yeah...
  2. Who here is deathly afraid of the future of our country right now? The world?
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Feb 13, 2017 -> 02:02 PM) Nice to see someone besides greg take the heat on here. Brett has emerged.
  4. brett, breath mate, you are all over the place.
  5. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Feb 7, 2017 -> 10:12 PM) The political correctness police, led by Mitch McConnell, couldn't handle Warren reading a letter from Coretta Scott King about Jeff Sessions. Such snowflakes. McConnell needs to go away. The guy is absolutely unbearable and it just shows how stupid the people of Kentucky are to continuously vote his turkey neck ass in office.
  6. Republicans went full blown stupid with this confirmation. People were vehemently opposed to this woman. I get it, she donated money to your campaigns but she is legit about to destroy the future of many children.
  7. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 6, 2017 -> 05:20 PM) Oh, it was final score, so it carried to OT. And because it was sudden death, I won on 8-4. Final score was double payout, so it was 2k/2k/2k/4k Nice! How much per each square?
  8. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 6, 2017 -> 08:03 AM) Square pool. super bowl squares? you had squares for OT or did it carry over from the 4th?
  9. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 6, 2017 -> 07:28 AM) Ot winner netted me 4K. Thank you for sudden death You took the pats -3? I made an alternative line bet at -6.5 for the Patriots. At half time, I tilted and double down on them for 1K at +335. So I won a total 3K minus the initial loss.
  10. QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 5, 2017 -> 11:23 PM) Why, exactly, is that? You guys don't even let him recover from the all burns he's receiving.
  11. QUOTE (brett05 @ Feb 2, 2017 -> 10:30 AM) I don't think I ever said they couldn't. In fact I believe I said the more they sit, the troubles they'll be in come mid terms will be even greater. Want to make a gentlemen's bet that the Repubs get crushed if Trump keeps this up?
  12. brett05: ss2k5 is definitely left wing extremist loon
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 31, 2017 -> 07:18 AM) This is where people have zero idea of history. Your mention of the "refusal to assimilate" couldn't be more normal in terms of history. Heck go all of the way back to colonial times. Religious groups struck out on their own. Ever heard of the Pligrims? How about the Quakers? The Amish? The Mormons too. Ethnic groups were no different. Indians, Africans, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Jews, Germans, over time were some of the more prominent targets. Typically these groups came here in search of something new, and met with resistance because they didn't speak English and their customs offended the people who were already assimilated. The first generations usually didn't try to blend. They stayed in their ethnic neighborhoods, spoke the old language, kept the old customs, and never really became "American's" Many even turned to crime to make their way as traditional ways were closed to these groups. Whether it was the "Irish Need Not Apply" or the redlining of entire cities to keep the undesirables in their own places such as Chinatown and Little Italy, it has been done over our whole history. But every, single, time an amazing thing happened. The second generation started to leave that behind. They spoke English outside of the house, and spoke the native tongue in it. They picked up American customs, and turned to education as their way out of the neighborhoods. By the third generations it might only be a last name that would sell out an ethnic background. By the 4th and 5th generations, the ethnic identities faded to the point they were really of the old world anymore, they were Americans first, and something else later. The incredible part of that is that it was all voluntary. It wasn't like Soviet Russia where assimilation was forced, or Nazi Germany where the undesirables were just disposed of. People became Americans because they wanted to be Americans. The greatness of America has always been that people, no matter where they came from, always turned into Americans in a matter of a couple of generations. Pretty much unless we put the boot of discrimination on their necks, the transition has been seamless. With the banning of Muslims of certain countries coming to the United States, nothing has really changed. These elements have always held power in the United States, and they have always hid under the veil of trying to save us from the latest group we should be scared of. At times, they got enough power to make lives miserable for their targets. We banned the Chinese from immigrating at times. We rounded up the Japanese and put them into interment camps. We tried to send the Africans back to Africa. Despite all of this, these groups have still turned into Americans over time. I am here today to tell you that using history as my guide, Muslims won't be any different. Give America a couple of generations with these immigrants, and while you might have a few bad apples, they will be fat and lazy Americans in two generations. To me that is the ultimate victory. Our culture and society is so incredible that it wins out, and it wins out voluntarily. If we ever get to the point where this history stops, THAT is when we quit being great. You want proof? My hometown is FULL of Syrian refugees and immigrants that haven't blown up any buildings. They haven't used a single suicide vest. Guess what, they have been coming here for over a century just for the opportunity to work. So while some want to live in fear of the latest boogeyman group, history tells me that fear is wasted. Quit being scared of immigrants. Don't live your life in fear. The ultimate in living scared is trying to hide from other cultures. You want to make American great? Learn from your history instead of being scared and wrong. Mic drop.
  14. I was legit on the let's give the guy a chance train, but Trump, after 8-9 days in power has been nothing short of a diaster.
  15. I was at O'hare tonight and that protest was intense. I was working but I felt the passion for justice the people exerted.
  16. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 27, 2017 -> 11:25 PM) We are witnessing the collapse of this country. stop whining you liberal weenie #maga
  17. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jan 27, 2017 -> 06:51 PM) Lol, Mexico will never pay for that "f***ing wall". Peña Nieto is under enormous pressure to not cede one bit, if he bends to Trump's will, he most likely get's replaced, if he "beats Trump", then he will see a huge rise to his popularity, which is very low atm. The Mexican people dislike Trump a lot more than EPN, after all he has branded them as rapists and murderers. A large segment of the population actually wants out of NAFTA so they'd rather lose NAFTA than pay for Trump's Wall. If Trump wants a trade tariffs war, they are more than ready for it. There's actually been some talk on Mexican political shows of courting China to sign a military alliance, just in case...that would be taking it way too far though and who knows if China would be so in your face to the US, but you never know. Trump has been sabre rattling and the Chinese have responded in kind... Wow China and Mexico seriously? That's quite interesting for sure.
  18. Has a presidential transition been this clusterf*** esque before?
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 03:44 PM) She was a legitimately awful candidate. Twice she was anointed the next President. Twice she blew it. There was just nothing about Hillary Clinton that spoke to the American people by and large, other than she wasn't Donald Trump. She could barely hold off Bernie Sanders for the nomination, and she lost to the worst Presidential major party candidate since Andrew Jackson. I mean you can try blaming the right wing for that, but if that was the case, how come they didn't work their magic to take down Barack Obama at some point? If Obama ran for a 3rd term I bet he beats DT haha.
  20. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 03:40 PM) And I'm confident that if the Bernie wing and far left hadn't legitimized and parroted the far right talking points and created the false equivalency narrative, she also would have won. If you are blaming her primary opponent of her losing that's pretty sad. It's time to face that if she was halfway decent should have crushed DT. Donald Trump is f***ing easy mode in video games. She lost to f***ing glass Joe, she is awful.
  21. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 12:26 PM) We have Trump because liberals ate their own. The far left attacked Clinton with the same vehemence as the far right, and fought their battles for them. Throwing in the towel on Booker and Warren because they're realistic and pragmatic and need to play politics to fight the battles that need to be fought is asinine. 46% people stayed home.
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 04:16 PM) so Warren's come out and said that she'll vote for Carson for HUD lol at me for thinking Democrats could make even token efforts in opposition. Maybe this is the democrats way of trying to sabotage the republican party, confirm all the picks, watch the carnage, and win the midterms in 2018?
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