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Posts posted by DashFan

  1. I wouldn't mind Grandal if we had a competent manager. Slotting him 3rd when he isn't hitting the ball and rarely using the talents of James McCann who has hit well all season is the problem. I have little doubt McCann would have driven in more runs than Grandal given the same opportunities.

  2. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 08:51 PM)
    Losing himself a lot of money since last year's ASB. Team has no chance to contend if he's going to hit around .200


    Won't stop management from going out next season to get another NL power hitter that can't hit his own weight in the AL.

  3. I was thinking this yesterday watching the game. Matt Albers may be the most underrated player on this team. His stuff is solid with late movement, velocity is up, but more importantly - he enters games with this quiet intensity from the bullpen. Not this shakiness you see from some of the other relievers. I don't know if he's the 2nd best reliever - he may be - but should definitely be considered 3rd at this time.

  4. QUOTE (Wanne @ Mar 22, 2016 -> 06:37 PM)
    One thing I have noticed this spring...I absolutely LOVE what Jimmy Rollins brings to this team! Not only what he's done at the plate so far...but just his presence on the field. You can tell he's the QB on the infield by a long shot. Miss a cut off or throw to the wrong base...he'll let whoever the culprit is know about it an what's expected.



    I've always been a fan and I was so pumped when the Sox signed him. I've always thought we needed more leadership from that position and while Alexei seems like a fine teammate - he doesn't bring the leadership element that the IF needed. Love what I'm seeing from the new infielders, especially Rollins.

  5. LaRoche is just doing this to make himself a martyr amid retiring from baseball after a lackluster season.


    He's appeared to be done with baseball since last season. Adam Dunn sucked too, but you could tell it was taking something out of him to show up and not perform. LaRoche didn't seem to mind.


    If Adam wanted to play baseball and thought this s*** would fly on any other team, he could've asked for a trade or asked to be released so he could sign somewhere else. He knows he couldn't play for another team and be this unprofessional.


    He just strikes me as one of these "faith and family" guys who every little thing anyone else does is an affront to their personal values. I won't be surprised to see Mr. LaRoche out stumping with Sarah Palin sometime this summer. ��


    You get to play a game for a living and make $13 million dollars - and you're still entitled to more perks? Go home.

  6. QUOTE (bear_brian @ Feb 27, 2016 -> 01:10 PM)
    There does not seem to be any love whatsoever for Sanchez's bat. He did not inspire a lot of confidence last year, granted. But maybe we should look at the following:


    a) He is all of 23 years old, has always played far above his age differential in the minors, and only has 500 AB's in MLB;


    b) Last year he did hit .252 with a .687 OPS in the second half. Granted, he died in September, but so did most of the team.


    c) His minor league line, starting when he was just 17, is .288, with an OBP of .354 and an OPS of .723.


    d) With that outstanding defense - I have a hard time recalling anyone who gets rid of the ball quicker on the double play - and the fact that he is a switch hitter, there sure seems to be more potential value than many people on this board seem to think he has.



    Just one man's opinion ...


    Could not agree more.


  7. Truly great stuff and a really gutsy performance when I had the pleasure of seeing him pitch up-close in Winston-Salem's first playoff game last year.


    I thought he actually seemed to have a better presence on the mound than Rodon. Just seemed to carry that Chris Sale level of confidence. It's unlikely he'll be another Sale, just because that's unlikely for anyone, but I'd expect him to be either as good if not better than Rodon. That's a damn solid 1,2,3 going forward and Quintana ain't bad either.


    I think Fulmer is a prospect to be excited about, and there's no reason to think the Sox can't develop pitching at this point.

  8. I love Hawk Harrelson, and sadly his time is coming to an end as the Sox PxP. He is one of those larger than life baseball legends to me. Although he could be repetitive at times, I always liked the passion he brought to the games. I'll never forget his call of Mark Buehrle's perfect game and how he was as speechless and emotional as any fan watching the game. Someone said it best here, he was like a grandpa who watched the games with you and was as big a Sox fan as any. I know that's not everyone's cup o' tea, but it was unique to being a Sox fan and I've enjoyed joining Hawk and Stoney for these games.


    All that being said, I was worried the Sox would throw in some temp or a less-qualified former player like Melton (ugh).


    I'm really happy to see them go with someone young and passionate about baseball. I watched the video from the beginning of this thread someone had posted and I already like the guy. Seems very professional but also somebody who could become part of the passion that we all share for Sox baseball.



  9. For my 2 cents, I'll go with those who like this deal.


    I've watched this guy pitch since I first saw him here in Winston-Salem. Nate Jones has been throughout his young career one of the most promising young relievers in the organization. I'm sure the Sox monitored his recovery closely and hitting 100 on the gun at the end of the year a few times proved his body is back in good shape. He's also proven he has the "stones" to pitch late innings in high-leverage situations. He's poised to have a great season and I'll predict he will be an elite-level setup man at minimum this season. He may even be a closer before it's all said and done - an absolute bargain with this contract.

  10. QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Dec 17, 2015 -> 03:09 PM)
    I'd rather keep Saladino and use the money that would've been spent on Alexei on an outfielder.


    Right. I forgot to even mention the $ saved that could be better used elsewhere. The Sox still have some decent middle-infield depth. I agree - we have to use that to our advantage and spend more upgrading the OF.

  11. I thought it would be helpful to take the Alexei/SS discussion into a new thread.


    It seems like most Sox fans want to see Ramirez return as part of the latest "all in" effort now that Frasier and Lawrie are in the fold. Am I the only one who actually would rather see what Tyler can do there as a starter than another season of Alexei? I get the fact that Ramirez gives you a reliable glove at SS, but he's as cold as ice at the start of almost every season and consistently makes mental errors in key situations. I've seen several write-ups about how he was one of the worst base-runners on the White Sox despite having pretty good speed. He's also not great when you need some type of situational at-bat. He only seems to have one (swing away) mode at the plate.


    Saladino seems to be more than serviceable at SS, has the same speed, and could potentially be a decent bat for a SS. Maybe I'm missing something. But can someone tell me why Alexei is a significant upgrade at SS for 2016?


    Should the Sox be looking beyond these two candidates to fill the starting job in 2016?

  12. I can't believe people can seriously look at T-Flo's stolen base stats and say they are concerned about another catcher being a defensive downgrade. Soto can barely throw the ball to 2nd and Tyler made him look good.


    Opposing teams ran at will against Flowers. Add in all the passed balls in key situations and there's no way "pitch framing" makes him this amazing defensive catcher.

  13. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 6, 2015 -> 04:41 PM)
    Let him hit or PH with someone who can bunt. Ventura is a genius.


    Having more options really exposes how clueless Robin is when it comes to managing. He should've been fired way back when the organization had to tell him to be more "hands on." He's not gonna figure this thing out anytime soon.

  14. QUOTE (harkness @ Jun 18, 2015 -> 11:17 PM)
    Our defense is poor yes - and that is the most important aspect of baseball.


    But WOW this team from an offensive stand point is beyond putrid.


    No power, no patience, strike out happy.


    Does it make anyone else a little irritated whenever the 9th rolls around and we are down a run how the hitters all of a sudden are slightly more patient? If you can show that approach in the 9th, why can't you do some of that the rest of the game? The culture of suck runs strong with this organization.

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