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Posts posted by DashFan

  1. QUOTE (SCCWS @ Apr 22, 2015 -> 09:53 AM)
    Actually the national media made a big deal of Bryant coming into his first game and batting 4th. mentioned all the pressure and how rare it is for a player to hit 4th in his first MLB game. Obviously he showed the pressure and how he performed his 1st start.


    That would've meant putting Carlos in a situation he was familiar with. I'm sure Bryant has hit in the middle of the order most of his career. Carlos starting a game would've been a lot of pressure, but at least a good familiar situation for him to get his start in the majors. Bringing Carlos into a high leverage situation when he has never worked out of the 'pen is not like having Bryant hit fourth.

  2. QUOTE (SCCWS @ Apr 21, 2015 -> 10:27 PM)
    You can bet that Coop gave Flowers instructions on what he wants the kid to throw. Rodon is way too important to let Flowers call his game before he really understands his arsenal.


    And I would have thought the bench would take issue with fastball after fastball to Rayburn after that sequence, but Coop didn't seem to take any issue with it because after his visit they kept coming.

  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 21, 2015 -> 10:17 PM)
    So Rodon should just sit in the bullpen, and pitch once a week in blowouts?


    He should be starting BUT it's little much to ask a rookie pitcher who has no experience pitching out of the bullpen. Not to mention leaving him in to "wear it" when we are supposedly trying to win. Throw in the worst pitch calling I've seen so far and you've got a recipe only this coaching staff would attempt.

  4. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Apr 21, 2015 -> 09:30 PM)
    Man this is tough to watch


    I was hoping last night's comeback would wake up the offense. Hopefully they at least show up for one half-inning here eventually. I don't know if it's effort, lack of scouting, or just no game plan offensively but we just look lost throughout the lineup which makes me think it's coaching/management.

  5. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Apr 19, 2015 -> 02:17 PM)
    Well, I guess they are giving it right back to us from yesterday


    And unfortunately, we can't win close games because of the defensive/mental lapses, bad offensive approaches, and terrible management.

  6. I don't like Robin's excuse that the rest of the staff and guys upstairs didn't think he made the tag. Who exactly does the buck stop with? Who is managing this team? Most importantly, why is he asking?? He has nothing to lose. Use your damn challenge!


    I think we have lost at least two games now because of management. You make these mistakes in your first year, not your third. I hope they don't waste this season waiting for Robin to figure things out.

  7. If not for the bunt single, this is a no hitter. Not Kershaw, Milone and the Twinkies.


    I could even deal with it if Milone was really dealing out there, but we are just jamming ourselves or fanning every AB. How bad does our offense have to suck for guys to be willing to work counts?


    This is an embarrassing level of suckage, especially for opening day.

  8. Another error on Beckham...


    While I understand the thought that he was good defensively at 2nd so he might make a decent utility player; I don't think he has the mental fortitude to be moved around to different positions and play irregularly.

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