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  1. LWE has to be the favorite. They’re so good this year
  2. I have nothing else to say but…. Let’s fuc**** go and win this boys.
  3. Man if he can get his bat to be at least decent…. Could be a massive steal
  4. We look like the Sox of a week ago again…. Welp was a fun 5 days
  5. The umps can keep helping us the rest of the year, that’s cool
  6. Jeez. Just bunt and tell all your runners to stop. Lol.
  7. Kopech throwing 90 now with fastballs. Take him out
  8. Glad they brought out the trash lineup for my first game of the year... ?‍♂️ welp time to drink more
  9. I have a feeling there’s gonna be some more tempers flaring tonight
  10. If we had management that supported the winning goal of this team, I wouldn’t be worried. but we don’t.
  11. ACL, meniscus or hamstring. Best case is hamstring strain. Honestly looked like an injury you see in football moreso.
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