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  1. Over the past few days its been all over the radio that the sox will bring in Jose Paniauga on August 15th once his contract expires in the Pan Am Leagues. I believe he would replace Rick White in the bullpen. If you can remember this was the pitcher that killed us in the 2000 playoff series. Somehow im thinking this will be another genious KW move. What do you guys think?
  2. BPSOX12


    i can tell that he does not like being a setup man it has disrupted his chemistry. im sure once he gets back into the closer role he will become the old billy koch we thought we knew.
  3. gammons reported that escobar is going to the a's by tomorow night.
  4. Eh!! This trade isnt as good as it looks. Ramirez carries a hefty salary and he is already washed up at the age of 24. He took his big money contract and ran. He will be a big flop. As for Lofton he will be a good replacement in cf. Do the pirates have any relief pitching that the sox could cash in on that would be worth while? JW
  5. Come on Seattle lets pull this one off!!! O ya btw im probably gonna go to the white sox vs. m's game at safeco next week. That should be a blast. Any of you guys been there? Is it sweet?
  6. Its official!! Sox only 5 back!!
  7. haha yea royals down 10-0
  8. Official!! Twins down 10-0!!
  9. hmmmm manuel keeps marte in
  10. alright 3 more outs to go!! whos going to pitch the 9th? will manuel keep marte in?
  11. alrite marte@!! 3 outs to go SOX 5-2!!
  12. nice catch maggs!! props to you
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