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Everything posted by Bananarchy

  1. Didn't homer win ROY over Gordon Beckham?
  2. And you kept them long enough for all of us to complain. We get it, you're unhappy. Take it up with your therapist.
  3. @Moan4Yoan and @Fan O'Faust in one place. It's like all the negativity and lack of information all in one place. Keep this in mind before they they both take new troll usernames.
  4. I'm not sure what's worse, the toxicity on this board or the guys like you who enable it.
  5. I tried to rewatch the finale. It was unwatchable. I had to turn it off
  6. Depending on what his career OBP is, 2 seems like a good place for him.
  7. So, I'm not sure someone can seriously ask the question OP asked and legitimately be a White Sox fan. Robin was worse, which is heartbreaking because he was one of my favorite players when I was a kid. I'm sure some of our more senior guys can list a bunch more, too.
  8. This troll can't even count.
  9. This site has become unthinkably bad. There are some serious fans who seem to understand that the rebuild is going to suck and it's going to be trying but equally can see the positives coming out of the farm system. There are a ton of great posters who have been here for a long time but it seems like an excessive number of posters with the level "Starter" or lower simply came here to complain.
  10. Guy moves from one troll handle to the next. Total nimrod.
  11. Let's compromise. You stop b****ing Alternatively, you go b**** somewhere else. Thanks in advance, Everyone
  12. We're all embarrassed for you. Consider another hobby.
  13. This thread is fun to look back at. This team is so much more fun to watch than any of the previous 5
  14. Well, if we're dealing with impossibility, the rebuild would be great if a kid from Chicago prayed that the White Sox would win the pennant and angels literally come and help the White Sox play better.
  15. Parkman is talking about this year. Kopech was hurt last year...
  16. It's pretty clear when the show went south, too. After Arya goes to Jaqan and says "A girl is Arya Stark..." the series seems to completely change.
  17. GoT was one of my favorite shows to rewatch. Seasons 1-6 are all great, IMHO. These last two seasons have completely ruined the whole show
  18. See, if HBO did what they were planning to do before the showrunners messed it up, they could talk about what happened to Dorne (for that matter, Ellaria Sand may or may not be dead) and who that person was. Also, I would have liked to see Robin Arryn deal with the fact his mother and the steward are dead.
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