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Posts posted by Panerista

  1. On 7/20/2020 at 3:57 PM, raBBit said:

    From what I've read, Moderna has nowhere near the production capacity for this scale. Seems like if they had a breakthrough they'd have to be partnered with another company but there does seem to be some support from the Administration with Moderna through Kushner.  Past that, their recent data release from last week was based off results of n=40 or 45.

    I like AstraZeneca as the leader. 

    Moderna would have to team up with a producer, but Pfizer or Lonza would kill for that contract I bet

  2. 31 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    I've been thinking  that this thing will run it's course before a vaccine is commercially viable. 

    And by run it's course it will be at an infection rate that is manageable for the local health infrastructure. 

    Seems unlikely. For one thing, there are over 100 vaccines under development and 23 of them are in human trials. That's the "good news" side of why I think you're probably wrong.

    The other reason this won't happen: The virus has been unbelievably deadly and the infection rate has been around 10%. Basically, this thing won't "end" or "blow over" or "run its course" before another 50-60% of the population are infected, and there's no way the health care system could handle that.

  3. Just now, greg775 said:

    There are going to be so many new cases starting in August when colleges report. The kids are not going to stop socializing and partying. Closing the bars for good will help but they figure to go to their own parties in that case.

    That's definitely concerning. We'll see what happens I guess.

  4. 1 minute ago, bmags said:

    I would hope scale will be supported both through gov'ts and gates foundation efforts.

    Oh for sure. I think you'll find a bunch of huge vaccine producers will be paid to scale up any one of these vaccine technologies. There are entire companies which exist just to contract out process units to pharmaceutical customers.

  5. Technologically, I think Oxford or Moderna would be the most likely to "stick". The risk with Moderna is the novel vaccine. Side effect profile requires more attention than a more traditional vaccine.

    But at least the Oxford one appears to work to some degree.

  6. 1 hour ago, caulfield12 said:

    Between Oxford/AstroZeneca, Sanofi (French company), Johnson & Johnson, Gilead, Moderna, the 3 major Chinese efforts, the Gates Foundation...Abbott, Pfizer, Glaxo, etc., who's the best positioned right now?

    Not for investment purposes, because that's completely an overinflated/over-speculated bubble right now, but more from who's likeliest to succeed and for it to "stick"???

    ALRIGHT, here we go. Vaccine company draft - Please note: While I work in the vaccine industry, I have no insider information on any of these companies and I do not intend anyone to make stock buying decisions on my mostly joke power rankings. Also, I do not work for any of these companies.

    Power rankings, IMHO

    1. AstraZeneca/Oxford - Oxford is a 4 tool company, what it lacks is scale up. AstraZeneca provides that fifth tool and can play center field
    2. Johnson & Johnson - Dark horse. They appear to be slightly behind on development, but they are the most capable of scale-up quickly
    3. Chinese efforts - Rounding out the top three. A bit of a wild card
    4. Moderna (Which I just figured out meant Mode RNA) - Very mature vaccine offering but has to contract out scale up from a company like Novartis or Lonzaf AG.
    5. Sanofi - Makes my list because I use ACT mouthwash which is made by Sanofi
    6. Gilead - Remdesivir appears to be Gilead's offering at the moment.
    7. The field - I'm bored of this.
    • Thanks 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Jack Parkman said:

    Bernstein is the best host on that station, and management knows it. He's bulletproof. He has a job until he doesn't want one anymore. 

    Yeah, that's pretty much the case. 670 would be pretty vanilla without him, agree with him or (usually) not.

    Edit: And I know people don't like him, but his first 10 minutes on the show this morning were great.

  8. 16 hours ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

    Spiegs is great. He hosts Inside the Clubhouse with Bruce Levine on Saturday Morning and Hit and Run on Sundays. He was just on the FutureSox podcast with Mike Rankin and I. It was good stuff. 

    Oh, I love him. I was just curious if he was still on staff because i know his role had been shrinking

  9. My wife is an ER doctor. My life has been an absolute nightmare for about a week. Now I have to face really tough decisions about whether I leave the house because of risk of exposure or if I just stay here and ride it out. If we had kids it would be fairly straightforward: myself or my wife would go somewhere. We don't have kids, so I'm not sure it's even worth leaving if I'll probably get it anyway.

    Stay at home people. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, mqr said:

    Pretty sure remdesevir is actually really far along given that it was original made for Ebola. 

    edit: far along enough To know that it doesn’t kill people at least

    That's one of the big ones. There are multiple treatments under consideration, including one or two preventative treatments, which, if safe, would be obligatory for healthcare workers.

  11. 2 hours ago, mqr said:

    Keep in mind the spanish flu didn't really get cooking until after it died down in the summer

    Yeah, but there was so much less we could do as a society in 1918. In 1918, you went to the hospital to die. I'll take any good news as good news for now.

  12. 25 minutes ago, turnin' two said:

    I don't know, Italy tried half measures, and now I think nurses there would tell a different story.


    Edit: You're clearly right though, and our half measures are earlier in our outbreak, so maybe that could make a significant difference.

    There's a lot about Italy that isn't like here.

    Not the least of which is Italy is about a decade older on average than the United States.

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