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Posts posted by Panerista

  1. 3 minutes ago, flavum said:

    Or they could just go off script, and bring him up on Day 1 without a long term deal. Less likely, but some teams have done that recently. 

    That would be the wrong thing to do.

    He's project 1.7 WAR player. There's a potential reason to keep him down for a while there. The whole projection is really shaky. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, zisk said:

    Ugh, Madrigal, Vaughn, Moncada and even Grandal would be better than Anderson. If your OBA is .22 above your BA You would have to

    hit like Rod Carew every year. Not bloody likely with TA.

    Agreed. TA should never leadoff. The guy needs to walk, otherwise a hitting slump or a BABIP correction kills your first inning and wastes your power guys. 

  3. 57 minutes ago, Moan4Yoan said:

    Speedy little fast guy who makes contact?  Yes.  Once he gets situated toward the bottom of the lineup, Renteria will likely fall in love and move him to leadoff.

    On base more important than anything else.  If he doesn’t get out, he needs to lead off. That’s just basic baseball strategy

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  4. Ultimately, if everything goes to plan, it will 100% be Madrigal. He struck out like 5 times total last year. He’ll get on base. That’s all a leadoff man has to do

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  5. On 12/26/2019 at 10:25 AM, gdane said:

    The complacency around here is quite telling.  If the general consensus around White Sox fandom is that signing 3rd/4th tier free agents to fill holes previously occupied by below replacement level bodies is good enough to "win" off-seasons, then its no wonder that Hahn and Co. aren't players for the top-flight free agents.  They don't need to be.  What an absolute crime.

    We are only saying what experts are saying. Maybe you should try reading?

  6. 25 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    He clearly has done no research to support his statements and is just shooting from the hip.

    This week has been so telling around here. The dark clouds are showing themselves in arguably the best offseason in White Sox history. 

    • Like 3
  7. 6 hours ago, HeGone7 said:

    Always the guys on their high horse riding ignorance into the stable. None of the moves have even panned out yet. Yet, somehow you’re patting yourself on the back. Takes a special kind of mamaluke. Most of the fans against these moves (me being one of them, to an extent) recognize we should have netted better players w/our cap space. My expectations are different than others. I want to win at a very high level and win a lot. I don’t want to be the same Sox we were before where we “compete for the division”. It’s such a weak mindset. You build the best team in baseball. The division will take care of itself. But setting the bar at what we turned 2020 into is a joke & the hope is it doesn’t hinder us beyond 20’, when they potentially could be a serious contender.

    An “average” starter they say is a 2-2.5war player. We’ve signed multiple guys like this. For a below average team, sure, it’s an improvement. For those of you only concerned w/being improved, these are great moves for you. For those of us with expectations beyond winning 87 games & taking the central, they’re underwhelming (and potentially awful) commitments made. How you have magically proven this thread has “aged poorly” w/these guys never playing an inning is comical. Who knew that because they signed a couple more 30 something players on the downward trend of their career, suddenly we should crown Hahn a great GM? It speaks to your own lack of belief in what you’re saying. It’s as if you need to say it as much as possible so that you can believe it yourself (or hope to). I bet you’re a Bernie guy.

    When the Sox win a World Series with these above-average bums, then you can turn around and say it has aged poorly. Until that time, everyone who wanted/expected/comprehends that our free money was better spent on a Machado, Rendon, etc will be proven right. It’s hard enough to win. You’ve chosen, as an organization, to try and do so with mediocre additions. You rebuilt to have the luxury of signing those types of players (Machado’s/Rendon’s/etc) and pairing them w/your young core of elite players. Instead, we’ve now wasted the young players cap flexibility on longshots. We need Keuchel to become a guy he is incapable of being anymore. You need Edwin to cling to his mid-30’s and play more than 100 games. You need Mazara to show a pulse of his potential & you need to hope you don’t waste what’s left of Grandal’s career before your team as a whole is truly ready to win. Otherwise, you’re spending 18 million potentially on a 34/35 year old when it’ll matter most. 

    That is, and will continue to be, Hahn’s evaluation for all of this. If we come up short of a World Series at any point during these contracts, the finger needs to be pointed at them & you people for not understanding how to maximize an opportunity. For those of you who just want a division title, then go enjoy your participation medals. For those of us who sat through / supported the rebuild with expectations of executing this stage and feeling like we’re scrambling on plan C right now, we aren’t fans. Depleting the farm would make matters worse but I still believe they know they need another superstar caliber player. How do you go from all-in on a 25 year old superstar to piece-mealing 30+ year old veterans and declaring this a victory. Make no mistake, this is no victory. This is “best we can do” and we’re hoping for a miracle IF they can steal the division. I didn’t sit through this crap to be back where we were w/Sale & company. 

    Winning shit divisions and getting swept by Houston or NY isn’t going to feel any better than remaining below .500 an extra year and pushing your chips all-in on a Betts/adding more premium talent to your farm/letting your kids develop & not be rushed. It’s not going to feel better than 99 wins from a stacked lineup in the scenario where the money was well spent (Machado, Wheeler, etc - Plan A we’ll call it). Put all the lipstick on this you want to (or need to) but the Sox aren’t serious contenders for the WS as it stands today. Not even close. They’re not even better than the Cubs. 

    But hey! The thread didn’t age well because some Jamoke played the season out in his head.

    “Above average bums”. Go back to Wrigley

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  8. 49 minutes ago, GradMc said:

    Excuse me this ownership has a long way to go before crow starts showing up on anyone's menu.

    For those of us that have endured the Reinsdorf Group and their 5 playoff appearences in 38 years and none in the last 11, ever eating crow is a non-event.

    $120 million is chump change.

    Keep it moving.

    And they should be in the hunt for Mookie and a host of others next off-season.

    Stop making excuses for them.

    So we just tolerate boneheaded takes like this now? 



    a good organization spends when it is time to spend. I will applaud them for spending when they need. They can only spend so much all at once. 

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