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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Dared to speak out against Rose...? Just a few days ago multiple people here said they'd gladly trade Derrick Rose away in exchange for a douche bag like Lebron.... Isn't that sorta the same thing? People always make fun of me for calling others 'not real fans', but if you don't care about any of our players and want to trade Derrick Rose away I definitely think you're a lesser fan than I am.
  2. Not sure where you're getting this impression that I'm elevating Deng to God-like status... I only think he's a demigod, like Hercules or Achilles
  3. You've never encountered a person who was a big fan of a player who wasn't a superstar before? I'm the first? I love Lu. I love him. If I was a female I'd let him have my babies. If that makes me crazy then I'm crazy. P.S. I got an A in critical thinking
  4. Yes, he hit a few with Hinrich in game 3. He looks a lot better playing with Kirk because Kirk gets him the ball in rhythm to shoot. Nate looks like he has no clue how to PG.
  5. lol Steve! You're trying a little too hard to insult me. Why you no like me? I like you.
  6. I don't even know what your definition of "bench mob" is, you apparently don't include Deng in that even though he's in with the mob all the time. So I don't put a lot of stock into your assertion that the mob was the 9th most used unit. That along with chronic injuries last year forced Thibs to make changes to his lineup. No surprise there. I don't think anybody can dispute that Thibs has his set rotations though
  7. He did play a ton better with Kirk than with Nate. That 2nd unit right now is playing awful, just zero offense. I think its all because Nate is just not playing like a good pass first PG like Kirk is.
  8. I just think its fair to include Deng with the bench if he's playing so many minutes with them. Thibs does do line changes, any Bulls fan who watches the Bulls habitually will know that. Obviously he'll change it up a bit sometimes due to injuries or do to individual suckage, but generally speaking my statement is true. Thibs likes the line changes.
  9. but thats so rare compared to the amount of times he did his hockey line change substitutions generally speaking, Thibs likes the line changes and sticks to them
  10. So you're saying it makes no difference how many starting caliber players a team has on their bench, because the opposing team will just negate it by sending their starters out too? that makes no sense.
  11. Thats not valid form doe, you need more tutelage under da master
  12. Thibs does his substitutions much like line changes in hockey doe. The bench goes out like a unit, they play together. Then the starters come back. Its rare that he'll pick and choose.
  13. Most teams can't do it consistently like we'll be able to do when Rose gets back. If every team could afford to play 3 starting caliber players with their bench in every game, then no team in the league would have to worry about having weak benches. Some teams do worry about having weak benches, so obviously every team in the league cannot afford to play 3 starting caliber players with their bench in every game. If A then B Not B so not A LOGIC b****ES, BOOM HOWYALIKEMENOWWW MODUS TOLLENS ALL UP IN DIS b****
  14. Would other teams put 3 starting caliber players in with their bench like we would? no. That is a luxury that few teams in the league can afford to do
  15. No, what you just said is dumb. Comparing every player in the league to the role Thibs has Deng play is dumb. Thibs has a very clearly defined role for Deng, and it is not comparable to "every player in the league" who now and then plays alongside with the bench. Deng does it more often, more consistently, for lengthier amounts of time. Every player in the league is not playing 40 minutes per game like Deng does
  16. Ok then. So Deng is not a bench member but he will be playing lots of minutes with the bench against other teams benches. This really doesn't invalidate my point: that we'll have 3 starting caliber players playing against other teams benches.
  17. Ok, you're just stuck on this argument based on semantics, stuck on silly labels like "starter" and "bench player". Deng is very clearly both, that's my point. His heavy minutes with the second unit is blatant evidence of that. Do you doubt that he'll be on the floor with the second unit? No, so what are we arguing about?
  18. How is that a change of subject? That was my whole point. I said we'd have 3 starting caliber players in our bench mob. Deng/Kirk/Taj You people decided to pick a fight with me over who is or who isn't a bench member based on silly word play. I'm saying the fact that he plays significant minutes with the bench justifies my putting him in there. geez
  19. I understand that, but the fact remains that he's out there playing with the bench all the time. Every game in fact. For multiple years straight. I don't understand what the big deal is about me including him with the bench. Does this really bother you that much?
  20. Change that caption to DA BULLS for accuracy
  21. Ok fine, but I think you're being disingenuous when you use the word "occasionally". Deng played the most minutes out of anybody in the league last year. Naturally those minutes included being out there with the bench mob. He's as much a member of the bench mob as he is a member of the starters. Thats why he's our beloved lieutenant.
  22. Spoelstra does like to keep one of either Wade or Lebron on the court at all times. If you play with the bench in every game and do so for significant minutes, for several years straight, I don't see whats so controversial about me including Deng with the bench mob. He's there, he's playing and he's playing big minutes. *shrug*
  23. Deng has played with the bench for the past 3 years, is this your first time watching the Bulls? Kirk got passed over because he was injured and because the Hawks had a young promising PG named Jeff Teague they wanted to groom. Naz being starting caliber is very wishful thinking, granted. But his offense is definitely a lot better than Asiks was. Naz can actually hit a 15 foot J.
  24. I still think the Bench will be awesome, but I said that it'll be awesome when D.Rose comes back. In Game 3, Deng and Rip didn't even play 1 minute. When D.Rose comes back, our bench will have 3 starting caliber players on it...Kirk/Deng/Taj with possibly a 4th being Nasty Naz. How is that not awesome? ONE OF DA BEST BENCHES IN DA LEAGUE BRO
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