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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Being injured and on terrible teams for 2 years may have something to do with that. He's a smarter and better PG now than when he was last in a Bulls uniform. And Thibs is gonna ride him hard.
  2. Ok maybe not double doubles. But I could easily see him averaging 10+/7/4 boards/1 block/1 steal
  3. No he doesn't, he's gonna be getting double doubles for us this year
  4. If I stop, this thread will have like 2 replies per month :/
  5. Our bench basically just gave this game away. Nate and Teague are useless. Jimmy can't throw it in the ocean. Marco and Radman are nonfactors. Team is gonna struggle when Kirk is not out there
  6. Yeah, the bench is very bad right now. Dion Waiters looks good, has he missed a shot all night? Doesn't seem like it. And Kirk of course has looked great, shut down Kyrie irving and still has 14 pts 8 assists 5 rebounds...
  7. Oh my, Capt. Kirk putting the team on his back doe. Another excellent game from him
  8. Boozer looks so out of sync on offense. Anything further out than like 3 feet he's missing. But he benefits so much from having a good passing guard like rip on the team, even last year... Rip better stay healthy
  9. Yep, we'll see if old man Kirk can keep up with a young gun. I also want to see Dion Waiters play, I love his physical build, he looks like an NBA player
  10. Yeah, right. I love basketball season. Watching the game tonight soon as I get off work. I've been looking forward to a meaningful game between Kyire/Derrick since the day he was drafted. No idea when that's going to happen now.
  11. I agree, a bunch of pansies crying about tanking the season and wishing people flopped more. TURRIBLE. I miss the days when men were men.
  12. You act like you don't know anything about Derrick Rose. I guarantee you his mentality is much nearer along my lines than yours, or anybody elses who think he should flop and tank the season.
  13. No I'm sure the first thing on his mind is "Man, people on soxtalk think I should abandon my dignity and start flopping. I better go do that!"
  14. I think Tonya Harding said the same thing...
  15. He'd also be a huge joke amongst diehards, just like Chris heliflopter Paul is... I hate peoples mentality sometimes. Now people are saying hey Derrick you should flop more. Hey Thibs, we should tank the season. Just weak ass b***h s*** going on...
  16. blame the players. Thinking you got hacked is not the same thing as flopping though. I know Chris Paul, Wade, Lebron, Ginobli, Harden, Blake...are some of the most egregious floppers in the league. The fact that they're big stars makes it WORSE imo
  17. I care, f*** him for flopping. I don't remember though if he flopped or not, I was like 10 years old and didn't follow the NBA like I follow it now.
  18. Yep...I can sort of understand bench scrubs and marginally talented NBA players flopping. Hey, you have to create a niche for yourself. But Lebron is the so-called "Best NBA player on the planet", he doesn't need to flop at all. He just does it because he's a huge b***h. Derrick never flops. And some of you would trade Derrick for Lebron just because you want rings and don't care about anything else, whatever man that's your prerogative. I'd never though. Who I cheer for matters to me.
  19. Leb**** flops, there's like pages of these
  20. No, not everybody. Please stop trying to excuse flopping. Flopping is despicable, it ruins the image of the entire sport. That's why the NBA is taking steps towards penalizing it.
  21. good one. Type in Lebron flops in google images, there's like 10 moving gifs that come up, each of a different flop. And those are just the ones someone bothered to gif.
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