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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Why are people here so sensitive? Yeah I called him out by name (got his name wrong though...), but so what? Why get offended at that like its some huge insult? It's called friendly ribbing, guys do it all the time
  2. It's not premature celebration, its called looking at what we have and making a projection. Scouts do it all the time. Realize that our bench is gonna have 3 starting caliber players on it once Derrick gets back. I'm really sorry for being excited about the first Bulls game in many months, I assumed other Bulls fans would be excited to talk about it too. I guess not. Calling all Bulls fans, where are you people on this forum?
  3. pretend to know you? lol, its pretty obvious you're joyless about this team, you've made that plain multiple times. How am I pretending to know you?
  4. And I'm not "baiting you", I'm talking to you about basketball. Not sure why you're being so sensitive
  5. win the conference? I'm just enjoying watching us play. Thats what fans do, they enjoy watching their team play no matter if they're championship favorites or middle tier or sucky. I'm sorry that you can't find any joy in watching our team play their first game in a long time.
  6. I forgot that the little things don't interest you. You just want a top 5 player on the team and don't care about anything else.
  7. It's not about a preseason game. You've got to be blind as hell if you don't think we've improved our bench and our depth. Traded a little defense and got a lot more scoring and versatility
  8. Kyrie, Steve, all you pessimists...I hope you're watching. Our bench is going to rape other teams benches when Derrick gets back. You laughed at me when I praised the addition of Kirk over CJ and Marco to replace Kyle. Never forget
  9. Oh my goodness, Kirk Hinrich! Dat defense! Love what I see from him and Marco Bellinilli Kirk is just beasting. Block, block, steal, lmao
  10. Why is Paulie still playing in meaningless games if he's injured? How dumb is Ventura?
  11. Careful. Baron doesn't like people talking sense like that. He thinks we should live and die with our vets...and BOY ARE WE DYING
  12. How is it possible that we've only gotten 1 hit in this game? These are PROFESSIONAL baseball players, right? Yet they can't hit the ball.
  13. Why, are you still holding out hope that we catch a spark and suddenly start being good again? It ain't happening. Not without divine intervention.
  14. The sooner this season ends, the better. I dont even wnat to see this team in the playoffs, it would just be embarrassing.
  15. 7-0, way to keep up the fight. LOL blow it up, this team is going no place as is.
  16. boring, we suck. If this team somehow makes it to the playoffs, we'll be the weakest team there.
  17. FOX MLB coverage is so much better than their NFL coverage. It's like night and day.
  18. Wouldn't it be awesome if the Tigers somehow went on to win the World Series now? LOL That would just be the cherry on top of the fail sundae. Why wouldn't that happen, too. It happened with the Packers, it happened with the Heat. Our sports rivals always seem to go all the way at our expense.
  19. So you're saying the pessimists were actually proven right and the optimists were proven wrong? remember this moment
  20. Just another typical year being a Chicago sports fan
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