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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. I kinda think yours is... Just curious, but do you ever get down about what you see from our Sox? EVER?
  2. Finally he puts Dan Johnson in. 1 week too late.
  3. I love Alexei's defense but...we choke with RISP and guys like him are a big reason why. And before you quote me his stats, save it. Dude swings at anything. So does AJ.
  4. How many men on 0 outs situations have we blown today? Seems like at least 3
  5. ....blow it up? I don't want to be THAT GUY but...
  6. At this point I just watch to see what new ways we can find to lose games I'm waiting for somebody on the team to melt down, or just show a little fight. Not seeing it yet. Ventura might be comatose.
  7. Remember when Peavy was pitching well and everyone was pushing for him to be an all-star? haha...those were the days
  8. They knew what to do in the first half of the season
  9. Dunn shouldn't bunt but it would be fine with me if PK did. He's not doing anything productive any way
  10. We should try bunting in bases loaded situations from now on. But I don't trust Ventura to get creative like that... we shoulda benched the hell out of these struggling vets a week ago but I feel like I'm beating a dead horse at this point.
  11. Eww....Paulie the anti-clutch but, one gets across
  12. preaching to the choir man, don't I know it...
  13. ZING! lol...making us feel bad across 2 sports
  14. You banking on Youk having a healthy/rebound season, huh?
  15. I've been watching the Browns game and being more entertained than watching the Sox. Thats how bad it's gotten.
  16. AJ swings at anything. Alexei swings at anything. That type of stuff is long past the point of being cute.
  17. aw come on...story of Beckhams life. Hit it hard but right at someone
  18. Gordon gonna come through here. He's gonna walk probably. He's had a good eye this past month
  19. buh...I don't care what their stats are, but AJ and Alexei frustrate the hell out of me when they bat.
  20. Come on Alexei, he wants to walk you. Let him.
  21. God AJ, sit down. Learn not to swing at garbage.
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