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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. That was really cool what Lillibridge tried to do. He just rose 2 notches in my book.
  2. It's not one man that f***s us up mentally, its the entire team approach. Everyone starts trying to hit homeruns when we need to score instead of playing smart.
  3. Why do we have to go down with the ship when we know its sinking...? I don't get that. F*** the veterans, they not getting it done. F*** them. I would have benched Paulie ages ago. Watching him bat is torture these days.
  4. Yeah, oh boy, Rick Hahn will save us. I'll hold my breath.
  5. We were the opposite of boring earlier in the season. I remember we'd put up 9 runs a game and have walk off winners and all that great stuff. We had a magical aura around us.
  6. Who the f*** is Santiago, seriously. If we're throwing rookies out there in a pennant race then I don't even know what to say. Santiago, Omogrosso, Thornton...oh boy...
  7. I really can't believe Baron admonished me for suggesting we bench our vets and let the kids play for a while. That still burns me up. I know I was right. Where would we be without our vets right now? Ohh, I dunno...maybe still winning the division?
  8. I'm definitely never going to be fooled by a good first half ever again. All that matters is how you play in September... and I thought we were good when we swept the Rangers and Angels...lol...what a fool I was
  9. Detroit has one baseball team. And their teams star has been on the rise these past handful of weeks while ours has been sinking.
  10. We have very fair weather fans, but so what? Nobody wants to pay money and travel to the park to watch a loser. except Cubs fans, they love that isht.
  11. makes sense to me. but I'm sick of talking about the fans, the fans, the fans... just win games, everything else takes care of itself.
  12. Is Robin another one of those "manage from the gut" managers that doesn't believe in stats? I thought young guys like him were all into stats and that moneyball isht.
  13. I was gonna say, it's a miracle if we can win the division by pitching guys like Santiago and Omogrosso
  14. Checking in... nothing ever seems to be easy these days What happened to Santiago?
  15. He always has to get his retarded catchphrase in no matter what
  16. Ventura doesn't feel like he has enough clout to do something like that
  17. But he's not grimacing or limping or nothing. What makes you say he looks hurt? Just because he's playing bad?
  18. I don't know about blaming injuries for Konerko's awful season .Does he look hurt to you guys? He just looks terrible to me, but not hurt.
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