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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Rodgers has been sacked 7 times and its not even halftime, LOL
  2. Let's not blame this on the bench, The veterans have been playing like s*** for weeks and weeks
  3. The Seahawks/Packers game is infinitely more entertaining. I suggest ya'll stop torturing yourselves with Sox baseball and watch the Packers get whupped instead
  4. slumps can't last forever Thats the only thing giving me some hope
  5. I'm putting my chips on the idea that some rest on the bench will make them play better
  6. Sick of Baron trying to play the post police in every game thread. He's more annoying than 100 negative nancies
  7. how is it stupid bulls***. We did it your way and got swept. Maybe my way could have resulted in a win and some rested veterans. Why are you being so myopic
  8. I'm just peeved off that you treated me like a mental patient for suggesting it.
  9. we might have won a game if we benched these underperfoming vets and played the kids. Just saying. We'll never know now.
  10. I forgot that Jordan Danks is on our team. Let the kids play, I'm sick of watching our vets.
  11. That pretty much describes every team in Chicago besides the Cubs and the 2010 Blackhawks
  12. no discipline, poor example set by our veterans...alexei, paulie, dunn, AJ, Youk all struggling.
  13. Angels playing with energy and the Sox playing "tired". explain that. Get these guys a case of Red Bull
  14. Baron was giving me a hard time for suggesting that we should bench Paulie, Youk and Dunn... whatever man, we havent scored for weeks. We got swept. Whats the worst that could have happened if we benched all our underperforming vets? We get swept? Oh that happened any way
  15. dead game thread because it's football sunday.
  16. Sup guys. Exciting game so far. I can barely contain myself.
  17. I'm ready for Hudson and Olmedo and Flowers and Wise lineup. f*** it, YOLO
  18. but they really, really need it. Our bench has won us games all season long pretty much, and our veterans have done nothing but choke and lose us games lately. definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  19. Dude, we can't score more than 2 runs with these guys in the lineup. They look awful. Maybe some rest will help.
  20. Can we just sit Dunn and Paulie and Youk? We're not winning with them. Their lack of clutch hitting is killing us. Lets just try playing without them.
  21. oh man, seriously. I'm gonna catch hell for this but I'd really like us to become a team with plate discipline that walks a lot. That means guys like AJ and Alexei need to go.
  22. Beckham is not the issue here. The issue is our vets being chokers and letting us down, big time.
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