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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Holy s*** dude, really would have been better to pinch hit Dan Johnson
  2. true dat. I'll be positive once the Sox show me something and string some good games together
  3. I make plenty of positive posts, you just don't notice them as much as my negative ones
  4. I said It's OVA....? I used a question mark, thereby leaving some wiggle room
  5. just don't let it bother you. I'm not affected by what other people say and I can't comprehend how someone could be.
  6. You need to stop with this "we're a first place team" garbage. We're a mediocre team barely holding onto a lead in a crappy division.
  7. We react to what we see, what do people not get about that? If we see bad things, we react badly. If we see good things, we react goodly. STOP YER b****ING
  8. *shrug* that's the game...these guys are professionals and I expect them to deal with it. Being tired is such a weak excuse, especially for the offense.
  9. Hawk making excuses... the team looks tired? Doesn't every team play the same amount of games? What is with this 'tired' BS? The Angels don't look tired.
  10. people are pissed because the team is playing like s***, let it go man.
  11. And this ball game is OVA...? Thanks for not wasting 3 hours of my life before losing Sox. You did a good job losing in the 1st inning
  12. This is a brilliant strategy by the Sox. Throw them meatballs until they get tired out from hitting the ball so hard.
  13. I think 2 runs is too big a deficit for us to over come, the way we've been playing. I'm gonna be a big negative nancy tonight, fair warning
  14. This team must've gotten a group discount at the lobotomy clinic the way we've been playing
  15. Too bad the season isn't 2 months long, or we'd be in the world series almost every year
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