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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. they need to shrink it to a 100 game season. The All star break, and consequently the last time our team looked like they were any good, seems like forever ago
  2. Tigers taking care of business, White Sox falling all over themselves trying to find new ways to lose games
  3. Peavy gonna Peavy he garbage. And I'm in no mood.
  4. still think we'll make the playoffs. Back into the playoffs is more likely. After that I envision a one and done series. barring some miracle.
  5. Baseball in general is just a sport with a ton of infuriating peaks and valleys. like someone explain to me what the hell happened to Youk? He looks awful suddenly. Up and down, up and down...individual players, and as a team...up and down all season long. It's tiring.
  6. Youk looks terrible. I think the old man needs some glasses
  7. God damn, Beckham has been looking good at the plate
  8. ...WTH does that have to do with us? lol We're lamenting that WE can't beat the royals
  9. Does Robin even deserve manager of the year at this point?
  10. Every time we lose someone says "Remember this is the game that lost us the division!" I doubt it...
  11. You can't tell me we couldn't manage to go 1-2 against the Royals playing our bench guys the whole time. We'd probably stumble into one win just due to dumb luck. Just sit our vets next time and let them think about why they aren't out there.
  12. Can we just try something else against this team? Obviously whatever the hell it is we're doing isn't working. Let's just play our sunday lineup against the Royals every time, give our veterans a rest. They're not getting the job done any way.
  13. I could have made a lot of money betting against the Sox vs KC this year.
  14. Yeah stony, our hitters swing at everything. Especially when they start feeling that pressure to score...
  15. Now we're trying to score runs, so of course we choke and don't even come close to doing so.
  16. Thats not the event that caused me to suggest benching. but you're kinda grasping at straws here. Why is it ok for you to suggest it but not me?
  17. lol, weren't you JUST giving me a hard time for suggesting that we bench a player for 1 game to send a message? Now you're singing my tune.
  18. This game is pretty much already a laugher HA HA HA HA HA I IS LAUGHING
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