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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. So Floyd is pitching pretty well so far off his DL stint huh?
  2. lol, had to skip out on my math class an hour early but I'm here. Turn on the TV just in time for youks HR
  3. Rally time. Gordon Beckham walk off homer incoming soon...
  4. Robin makes his mistakes, but Youk bunting didn't cause the next two guys to fail. This 'momentum' stuff is hogwash. Do your jobs, get on base, get guys out, end of story. Robin can only be blamed for so much.
  5. Robin makes his mistakes but there's also a lot of monday morning quarterbacking going on here. When something doesn't work out it's easy to say we should have done something different.
  6. Hey, its the pitchers who can't get one over. They're the ones loading the bases, not robin.
  7. Terrible. That was bad and you should feel bad! /zoidberg
  8. Another rather mediocre outing for Jake... but thanks for keeping it close
  9. I find the 1st comment funny because thats similar to what fans here were saying about Robin and Olmedo a few days ago. actually, I think it was just yesterday.
  10. Do you want to see what some Tigers fans are saying? They sound as over-reactionary as some people here. "I just do not understand why they have not released him yet... Seriously he must give good bj's or something... Guy is hitting .172 with 1 Hr and the season is almost over... But that is good enough to not only start but to hit 2nd on a team trying to win a division... I guarantee pretty much every other team would have cut him by now " "Oh well. One step closer to Leyland being gone. " "Lol this team is just like the team that finished last in the division a few years back. " "This night has effectively ended our season imo "
  11. Gordon has arrived. Please play this way in the post season
  12. That walk off ovation for a pitcher is one of the best things that happens in any sport
  13. Ray Olmedo would be more useful if he just got hit by the ball. Put your face in front of the ball next time, Olmedo.
  14. Terrible swing at a pitch in the dirt, but he somehow gets ahold of it. Way to go Gordie
  15. We can't still have the best BA with RISP, can we? It feels like we're dead last in that category over the past few weeks
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