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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Who's pitching right now? I can't even tell because of these damn uniforms with no names on the back f***ing red/green uniforms, collect them all and toss them in a bonfire
  2. D line not getting much pressure any more, were doing a better job earlier in the game. Maybe we should send more blitzes, they were working
  3. Reed is bad. Good hitters can hit him easily.
  4. Like I said weeks ago, all Reed does is throw down the middle. He has no wiliness to him whatsoever.
  5. Lol, Danks. His defense seems to be quite over rated
  6. Addison Reed is still closing because YOU TOUCH YOURSELF AT NIGHT stop that
  7. That was a great speech man. You've inspired me. Win the next two!
  8. Dude, we can't beat the Royals. We can't beat the Tigers. We've looked like a crappy team since the ASB I don't think these are over reactions. They're affirmations of reality.
  9. We've been a very weak second half team The magic is gone and so is the thrill
  10. Should I even bother watching the next two games in this series?
  11. Too bad our defense can't score points like it does in football. We'd win a lot more games that way.
  12. Hit him right in the wrist. f*** you Royals.
  13. I hope we're all ready for a 1st round exit this year, if we even make it there. Can't beat the Royals, can't beat the Tigers...no chance.
  14. Damn Royals. Damn White Sox pitchers. Damn bums
  15. woo, bailed out by Gordon Lightfoot
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