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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Ohhh...Frankie. Quit acting bummy.
  2. I still don't understand why we're wearing green uniforms...?
  3. wow, really? Seems like I only remember the times he sucks I think a lot of those games he was still sucking, walking guys and loading the bases. But just barely managed to scrape out of it
  4. Come on Liriano, you damn bum. Has this guy had a quality start for us yet?
  5. Why are we in green, lol. horrible uniforms this year. Red, green, let's do blue next.
  6. Omg, I get so mad when we get tossed out stealing You just got on that base by sheer luck, and you can't even wait 2 seconds to be called out?
  7. Thank God football season is here. Just in time.
  8. No Stoney, he's not literally trying to stop the bleeding.
  9. Does anyone see our team being more than 1 and done in the playoffs the way we've been playing? Will the story about the 2012 White Sox be: They were a good first half team...?
  10. Oh damn, its 9-4? Well this one is over. someone always doesn't show up, either pitching or hitting or defense get it together guys, you not looking like a playoff team
  11. Lots of walks and bad luck by the infielders
  12. God, that DNC is so bad. I thought the RNC was bad but this might be worse. Politicians making awkward speeches and bad jokes. Ugh
  13. Gonna go watch the DNC instead of this. Hopefully we come back in this game
  14. I'm left underwhelmed with his acquisition of Liriano tbh
  15. Our consistent, great offense will carry us. What are you worried about?
  16. rough day. Gotta figure something out because our rookies are starting to look like rookies all of a sudden at the worst possible time
  17. Oh my bad, lol! I just saw some people on this site weeks ago talking about Dan Johnson like "when are we gonna bring him up?" I just assumed he was something he's not
  18. So he's just gonna be a bench player for us? For some reason I was under the impression that we might try and develop him to eventually start...
  19. Yeah, thats definitely a promise that won't be kept. Uhm, so what do the Sox intend to do with Dan Johnson now?
  20. OHHHH, the mustaches were a tribute to Kevin Hickey.
  21. atta boy. We've broken through to the other side! a hit with RISP!
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