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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. thats dumb, no offense. Now Youk is probably gonna miss some games because he hustled and hurt himself. You want that for Paulie?
  2. Eventually we're gonna break out of this LOB slump. And it will be glorious.
  3. I know paulie had that famous goatee of his but...youk and Dunn with the mustache, hmm. never noticed them before. Maybe they made some kind of pact to grow theirs out after the last two horrible series' we had. some kind of symbolic thing LOL paulie looks like a 16th century french nobleman with that 'stache
  4. Youk has a mustache? Why is this the first time I've noticed it...?
  5. WHAT? There's a game today? and we're WINNING? good times
  6. He's a shell of his former self. It's sad to witness.
  7. meh, sick of excuses. They're tired, they cant play in that ballpark, they can't beat detroit at home, etc, etc, etc... They just played like crap, that's all.
  8. Hey, how about that Dan Johnson eh? Do you think the carpet matches the drapes?
  9. good effort. 1st and 9th inning were good, the stuff in the middle was sh**
  10. I never see us concentrate at the plate more than when its the 9th inning. Why don't we concentrate this hard when its the middle of the game?
  11. Jesus christ. I'm tired of watching us look like clowns. BEGONE! Begone from my television thou foul images!
  12. I remember when we swept the Rangers and the Yankees. Fun times.
  13. Paulie has looked pathetic for most of the year besides that one month he was ridiculously hot. He used to get clutch hits all the time, whats wrong with him?
  14. I'm just waiting for a bomb hit by Youk/Paulie/Rios or AJ. Its coming...it has to be coming...we're over due
  15. We've been pwnd so hard in this series,lol. Now on national TV the tigers clowning us. MEH Still 1-0
  16. I told you Wise and Hudson would have a big day. Well on their way.
  17. We had such a good start, being patient and making Verlander throw lots of pitches. Now we're back to being 0-2 three seconds after stepping up to the plate.
  18. Dammit Sale. Eat more protein so you stop having dem girly arms!
  19. Youk/Paulie/Rios... this is the part of our lineup thats been sucking. But I bet you Wise and Hudson will have themselves a game
  20. boring ass announcers. I already miss old senile homer Hawk
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