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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Wow Detroits morale is high. Theyre all happy and high fiving eachother in the dugout. We really shot ourselves in the foot by not winning at least the first game of the series.
  2. we really gonna act like it isn't Youk/Dunn/Paulie/Rios sucking is why we've been struggling lately, and not so much De Aza being gone?
  3. I'm kinda tired of all these excuses people have "We can't beat them in their ballpark" "they have really good pitching" "We just have trouble against them" etc.. Nah, we gotta beat this team. Tired of excuses. We're just playing like complete crap and it has nothing to do with anything external. We gotta stop playing like poo.
  4. Just finished watching the replay. Shut out again, LOL. I don't count that run in the 9th, it came way too late to matter. Thank God I recorded this game and didn't have to sit through this stinker live. This team couldn't hit its way out of a wet paper bag right now
  5. I'll be at work so I'ma miss this. Last time I missed a game it was apparently the most memorable win of the season.
  6. ugh, tell me about it. It happens in every game thread now. The never ending battle between the optimists and the pessimists...NEVER ENDS
  7. I don't think this is over yet. We couldn't play much worse than we did tonight. I still expect to win 2 or 3 WAS IT OVER WHEN THE GERMANS BOMBED PEARL HARBOR?!
  8. we gon' walk the bases loaded then not get a hit and lose. Game over. fin. poetic ending I'm just kidding before someone rages at me for not being positive enough
  9. great at bat AJ. Shame our hitters lacked all that concentration in the other 8 innings
  10. You don't seem to understand how a pessimist thinks. It's not that they want bad things to happen, they don't. They just act like they will happen because either way they're proven right or pleasantly surprised. An optimist expects good things to happen and is often disappointed. just laugh it off. say 'haha, ok we'll see'....no reason to get upset at it
  11. Because thats the way some people express themselves, why do you not realize this? Don't let it bother you so much.
  12. I don't know about that, we have to just stop sucking and beating ourselves. Still looking forward to winning a few in this series.
  13. too many guys looking clueless at the plate right now Paulie/Dunn/Gordie/Rios we need you
  14. Thornton sucks balls, when are we going to cut this scrub already?
  15. Oh boy, here comes Matt Thortnon. Don't worry guys, we got Thornton. It's all good.
  16. Come on Paulie, you're due. mean mugs no shoulder shrugs
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