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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Sanzenwaddle had too many drops last year but he was a rookie asked to play a part that was way too big for him. With Earl Bennett injured, Sanz should not have been our main slot receiver but he was thrust into that role due to a dearth of Wr talent. With another year under his belt, less pressure and a much reduced role I hope to see him improve this year. Hopefully he works on his blocking for ST.
  2. I hope so. I really liked Amobi Okoye last year and was sad to see him go. If he's healthy, this is a good move bringing him back I think. He's young too, only 25.
  3. He looked really good for not being in football shape. Had great pocket presence, was good making throws after scrambling, really only had 1 bad throw all night.
  4. Clutts and Armando Allen looked great. Don't see the sense in cutting them. And Okoye is dealing with knee injury. Don't see the sense in bringing him back, and McCown looked better in one game than Jason Campbell looked in all 3. Yeah, I said it.
  5. Being over aggressive on the basepaths is one small thing thats irked me this year too. A lot of needless outs when we sent guys we shouldn't send. AJ/Paulie/Youk are slow as hell, old and prone to injury at this point. Why even send them when you have 1 out and runners at the corners. I think it was the 4th inning too and we had the lead.
  6. Absolutely horrid. I've come to the realization that we're not a very good hitting team. We have a lot of power, but we're not a good hitting team. Need De Aza and Youk back pronto Whaa? Baltimore didn't play tough, we played horrible.
  7. he was hitting around .400 for what seemed like a solid month
  8. Go sox. I have class at noon 2mrw so that sucks...
  9. Gonna see big things out of my man Sanzenwaddle this year. Hopefully not actually, because that'll mean someone better was injured. hope he stays on the bench.
  10. We won't hear the crowd chant for Scal in blowouts any more Stacey has his work cut out for him, he has to find so many new catchphrases now. No more white mamba, no more big sexy, no more chicago's finest brew, no more hot sauce, no more 3j watson, no more asik and destroy... That's like 75% of his catchphrases out the door.
  11. I really don't and I freely admit that, I only started watching baseball last year
  12. Humber can be a long reliever, Thornton is good for one inning and even then he usually f***s it up. Humber > Thornton
  13. Hudson/Thornton are more useless than Humber
  14. Come on Robin, do a better job getting this team prepared to face crap teams please. Get angry, throw a cooler, make an inspiring speech.
  15. they should just switch from our game to showing the royals game
  16. So Verlander is having himself a worse day than Sale had. Interesting. Well if the Tigers lose, this game doesn't matter
  17. We have a lot of trouble figuring out mediocre pitchers. Again I have to go back to questioning approach and pre-game preparation.
  18. dammit beckham. Can he bunt? Someone tell him to bunt next time.
  19. good start to this inning, lets get a few men on and see what happens
  20. Didn't we win 6 in a row before this series started? I was expecting a few losses
  21. The pitching has been more consistent than the offense this year. I don't know if anybody can dispute that.
  22. ah, the never ending forum battle between optimists and pessimists. How I grow weary of it.
  23. Jack one here and we're right back in this thing
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