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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. We swept the Yankees, they swept the Blue Jays.
  2. I hear Cabrera got injured too. Would be nice being 2.5 games up today, it would be like that Royals series never happened
  3. What they say... "Kenny Singleton just made a great point. This White Sox lineup is deep as hell... I remember watching their off-season moves and questioning why Kenny Williams was blowing this team up, but I got to give it to him...this team has solid starting pitching, an above average bullpen, and a lineup that is insanely pesky, deep, and productive.. " "Majority of their lineup hits for good contact, something that ours severely lacks most of the time. " "Yea, I was thinking the same thing...They will hit in situations and move the runners over and sacrifice and just play solid station to station ball and still come up with some big home runs, sort of like the early-2000's Angels. " "It's easy to strike out 14 batters when the strikezone is as wide and as high as a ****ing large car " "This umpire can suck a nut! " "Let's get the **** out of Chicago. " "Swept right out of ChiTown. Its officially on collapse watch now " "Holy ****ing **** what a strike zone. I coulda struck out at least 10 with that strike zone. " "That's about as good as you can get from Hughes. Sale was pretty untouchable. "
  4. ditto. Class, didn't get home till 10. Saw the replay though and was pleased we da bess
  5. Gordon hit the ball hard 3 times tonight. He looked a lot better offensively in this entire series against the Yanks
  6. Gordon has been awful offensively, I'm sure we'll all agree. But as long as other guys step up I don't mind it for this year. If Wise, and Flowers and Danks keep jacking bombs...Gordons little miscues don't bother me so much.
  7. wait a sec, morel was crap on defense? I thought that was his one saving grace
  8. I didn't realize until yesterday that Youk is not even batting .250 for us. Still seems to get a ton of clutch hits though. Alexei bats .260 and doesn't seem to have near as big of an impact at the plate this year....
  9. Thats great man, great read. I like how 80% of the questions have to do with sex or sexuality, really tells you where most peoples minds are. I also like how he calls Lebron a douche and says he likes Jay Cutler. Awesome.
  10. fudge packers. We better hope that don't get him.
  11. Nobody can hope to hit the legendary pitchers know as Cy Chen and Cy Guthrie. Seriously, we seem to have no problems at all whupping the s*** out of every other so-called top team in the league. Yankees, Angels, Rangers. That sweep against Detroit is the only time I recall us struggling against a top team.
  12. Sweep the yankees, I called it before the series even started. Get swept by the royals, then go and sweep the yankees. That's sooo us.
  13. What did all that warming up in the bullpen do if you go out and throw 4 balls?
  14. Wise has killed more Yankees than Stonewall Jackson. He's like their Denard Span.
  15. that's ok, we don't need him hurting himself in regular season games. PK gets a pass, he's old and he's earned it.
  16. Yeah I was hoping Liriano would be a lot better than he's been so far
  17. People express negativity when things are going badly, and positivity when things are going well. Its just what happens on forums. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.
  18. the daily battle between negative posters and positive posters in every game thread gets to be quite irritating. It's like people can't accept that there's two different types of posters....inn every sports forum...in every sport...everywhere. just live and let live.
  19. "God damn it! " "Hahahaha **** this. " "The only solution is to put down each pitcher that appeared tonight in a back parking lot after this game. " "**** every single pitcher that has appeared tonight. Holy ****ing ****. " "My sentiments exactly... " "It's remarkable not one of them could string together outs. Pitch location was horrendous for each one of them. And don't get me started on Joba. He shouldn't come near appearing in a close game like this one until he gets legitimate work in. Girardi really needs to grasp that concept, and quick."
  20. We'll probably sweep the Yankees now. I had a feeling this would happen. We play crap teams like crap and good teams good.
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