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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. woooo. Needed that badly with Thornton coming up. That ball was obliterated.
  2. one pitch one out then the next guy goes 0-2. This happens way too often
  3. Yanks seem to threaten every inning. We haven't had a 1-2-3 inning yet.
  4. Gavin Floyd really screwed us. There should have been no reason for Santiago to even be in this game.
  5. Girardi is doing his best to lose this game. Why the **** is Joba put in with a 1 run lead? **** this game I can't stand this ****ing idiot wow he sucks **** you, youkilis Yeah it was funny at first but now I'm ****ing pissed. Yankee fans thoughts
  6. I was just about to say to myself "Don't swing, Gordon". Then he goes yard.
  7. Doesn't Coop make the pitching decisions? Or at least has input
  8. damn. Let's see what you're made of Santiago.
  9. I got them from a yankees forum. Why would I make stuff up? lol
  10. pathetic! Ugh thanks Joe for letting POS Garcia stay in to long! And tell me why we bring in our trash arms when it matters!? We have Robertson and JOba with Soriano in Pen!!!!! NOw we are down Joe's decisions with the BP have been pissing me off lately. I am here. And I would like to ***** about how much Freddy sucks. Please when CC comes back keep Phelps in the rotation. I beg of you Was one of our worst innings this year HORRIBLE! Things Yankee fans say. They kind of sound like us when things aren't going well
  11. Wow, they look like a brand new team out there. Stringing hits together, taking pitches, taking walks, getting clutch hits.
  12. just like I said. All it took was one good blast to snap us out of this funk.
  13. get on base Paulie. We can't fall into an 0-2 hole every at bat.
  14. I love watching the Yanks offense. I wish we were more like that. Just taking pitches, taking walks...very patient. I'm envious.
  15. lets move him to the pen. It seemed to help Humber.
  16. Show us that anger on the mound...that would be nice. He's like a limp noodle out there, always looks scared
  17. This is gonna be another one of those classic Gavin starts where he looks horrible for the first few innings and we all b****, but he ends up going till 7 only giving up a few runs and we wonder what everyone was b****ing about by the time the game is over...
  18. all it takes is one good blast to break out of this funk.
  19. 3-0. We can still win this game, but not with Floyd on the mound.
  20. Wise gets on base. Youk hits a long pop out. Wise steals all the way to third. Paulie strikes out. Dunn walks. Dunn steals and gets called out.
  21. meh, Robin way too aggressive on the bases as per usual
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