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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. He was going after a ball. Is every kid who hops a fence to fetch their ball prosecutable for trespassing...?
  2. I have more faith in Quintana, a rookie, over this guy. That's sad.
  3. haha, oh man. If a lawyer could win the case based on those arguments....hell, they deserve the money imo
  4. but there the lawyer argued that the cofee cup was defective. What could a lawyer argue if their client JUMPS in a fountain? The only thing defective there was the dudes brain
  5. on what basis could he sue? He's the dumb ass that chose to jump in and injure himself. I could purposefully fall down and injure myself anywhere and I doubt I'd win most of those lawsuits. If it was an accident, its another story..but he's the one who jumped.
  6. Why is jumping in a fountain a jailable offense again...?
  7. Manto will fix him like he fixed Dunn and Rios (green font, maybe)
  8. most fans that I saw seemed to know that it was a mistake to invite Tebow to NY in the first place. Why invite that media circus? Why create a melodramatic QB controversy that would drag itself out in painful detail in the media for the whole year? If you need a back up, get a back up. If you need a RB, get a running back. It didn't have to be Tebow. It made no sense to me from the get go
  9. Thats what I thought the Jets would do, I thought he could create a nice niche for himself in the league by converting to a RB role. But apparently they're letting him throw the ball for some reason...I have no idea what the Jets are doing over there.
  10. He's got the strangest throwing motion....all he throws are wounded ducks, pretty much.
  11. lol. Your point is well taken. I think many people here would be smart to not try and dictate or silence others opinions.
  12. They can't even hit it out of the infield and yet somehow they beat us
  13. We'll bounce back. We got swept by the Tigers too and that didn't end up being the end of the world. We definitely gotta play division rivals better in the future though
  14. I'm not turning on anyone. I ain't even mad. Not my fault Jordan4Life is on his period today.
  15. This series won't matter if we win 2 of 3 against the yankees though. We have shown that we can play well against the best teams in the league this year.
  16. What the hell are you talking about? No I don't, and no I don't. you don't make any sense either. Here you're telling us to sit back and enjoy this first place team lose to the Royals, yet you can't sit back and enjoy the Bulls be in first place?
  17. You should just stop trying to be the forum police telling everyone what they should think and how they should post let's not panic, but let's not pretend everything is peachy either. We've played like crap against this team.
  18. You picked a bad time to attack me. I know you're salty, we all are now. But don't take it out on me.
  19. oh put a sock in it already. A lot of people are slightly perturbed at what they've seen out of the sox in this series. Being slightly perturbed and expressing it on a forum is no big deal.
  20. I ain't even mad. It's comical at this point.
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