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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. I don't know if its bull s***ting but it appears as if neither Brian nor the Bears count non-invasive procedures (like scopes) as surgeries.
  2. Poor Septimo, his bicep must be stressed out from the 1 inning of work he has to do every 2 weeks
  3. Kansas City is about as exciting as a bucket of slop. :/ Hopefully the bats stay hot
  4. I'd like it if we could bring Morel up. It would be nice to give Youk a few games off every now and then
  5. And who had the most impact? Not even our big guns like Paulie or AJ. Dunn, Wise and freakin' Tyler Flowers Yeah, we aight.
  6. The quicker we get out of this s***box ballpark the better, its been grating on 2 of my 5 senses.
  7. Nice way to end our stay in Toronto. By a big blast from Rios. f*** you very much, Blue Jays and your annoying fans. Thank you, f*** you and good night!
  8. That was highly f***ed up lol, omg....so wrong. too soon bro
  9. wtf, talk about a bad omen. Hope they save that guy
  10. Damn, another close game. I'm sick of close games
  11. They were performing awful because they weren't getting regular playing time (except for Hudson). Now with regular playing times, Flowers and Wise are cracking homers. Even Jordan Danks hit one.
  12. Our bench has come through for us all year long. Even though people b****, guys like Danks and Hudson have won us games. Guys like Flowers and now Wise off the bench have been huge. And guys like Lillibridge and Escobar have been important trade pieces for us. I give our bench an A+ so far
  13. Wow, that Flowers bomb might have gone further than the Dunn bomb a few days ago
  14. I go downstairs for 2 minutes and I miss a Flowers homer
  15. Damn, Rios has been bad for like 2 weeks now
  16. Wise leading off, no De Aza, no Gordon Beckham...interesting....
  17. I'm just happy he's hitting lefties this year
  18. After listening to these Jays fans for 3 games, I now know why mass murders happen
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