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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. We all got deluded with visions of a modern West Coast offense lighting up the scoreboard. Our Oline didn't look much better last year so how did Martz get our offense to look so much better with Roy Williams and Johnny Knox as our main receivers? Maybe it was fools gold too. I just have a severe lack of trust in our coaches. In all of the time Darryl Drake has been here, who has he coached up into a great receiver for us? Nobody really. In all of Tice's time here, who is the rock of our Oline? Nobody. There's plenty of blame to go around, at Angelo for not making the right picks and at our coaches for not coaching up anybody who we can call a piece we can build around for the future. Such a shame, feels like a decade wasted.
  2. It's really amazing how much better this offense looked under Mike Martz with less talent. And even more amazing how fervently most of the Bears fans wanted Martz gone and Tice to take over the reigns, me included. Grass is greener syndrome.
  3. The Lions would have to be up by 4 touchdowns in the 4th quarter before I'd feel comfortable betting against the Packers to win A one or two score game before the half is even over? Forget it, that's nothing to the Packers
  4. We really need emery to be the miracle worker GM we hope he is, he's got a ton of problems on his plate this offseason and the solutions don't seem readily apparent to anyone
  5. Defense has been very bad, they cannot escape criticism either. They got murked by two rookie Qb's this year, inexcusable. And today they collapsed on the very first drive and affected the momentum in a very bad way. Got the crowd into the game right off the bat and the Vikings started playing much harder after that first drive on offense and on defense. injuries expose a lack of depth which again points to coaching/talent evaluation/the ghost of Angelo
  6. Mehh, the players were at fault but its hard not to see a more systemic problem at this point. Hate to be 'one of those guys' but this team fails consistently in games that matter which is a problem that points to coaching. Lovie Smith keeps losing to the Packers and ultimately I think that more than anything will get him fired after this year. Nevermind another collapse after a great start to a season...he just can't seem to beat the Packers. He can't seem to find or keep a decent OC, his teams are consistently ranked near the bottom in offense and his defense is quite average imo, elite QB's pick it apart even when everyone is healthy. The Bears mantra of using the running game, STs and defense have fallen completely apart, not one of those 3 phases is good any more. It might just be time to part ways with the HC and by extension the OC as well. Losing to the Packers next week will all but guarantee Lovie's dismissal
  7. Kellen Davis and Devin Hester. Armando Allen on a 3rd & 1 and many lulz were had
  8. Yeah I'm watching the highlights on Sportsnet central. I guess Taj is just letting his frustration show now because he's had a very bad season thus far. And J.R. Smith, oh man...kinda glad we dodged that bullet because he would not fit in on the Bulls. Thibs would hate him worse than George Karl ever did.
  9. Marco is really coming on strong, at least his scoring is. It kinda worries me that he's a black hole, doesn't seem to assist much... and wtf is up with Taj? 2 points 3 turnovers 3 fouls in 11 minutes, are you serious bro? Don't make us look dumb for giving you that contract And Noah with 9 turnovers, da f***? I didn't watch the game I'm just looking at this boxscore
  10. Joakim Noah putting up Dwight-like numbers better than Dwight because Dwight can only wish to get 6 assists along with 30 points and 23 rebounds woo boy! That's monstrous.
  11. I'm sure there were other reasons I called you a bad fan, but I'm REAALLY sorry about it, ok pal? I don't think I would call someone a bad fan just because they complained about Kirk Hinrich, there's go to be more to that story. We were probably in a long argument about a bunch of things at once and things got heated Or maybe I was being droll and you took me too seriously, that's a possibility.
  12. No, that wasn't it. I think it was because someone bashed our FO and I argued that we had the best record in the league the past 2 years and they deserve credit for building a great team and someone disagreed.
  13. You'd have to remind me of the exact context in which I called someone a bad fan, I don't remember the details but I'm certain it was for a separate reason entirely than what we're discussing now. If I called anyone a bad fan it's because I thought they were acting like a bad fan. I'm sorry it offended you so much that you remember the insult to this day. I'm certain it's not that drastic. the statements I bring up did really happen, as I recall you were one of the people speaking ill of every offseason Bulls move. Some of them worked out rather well. Jury is still out on some of them but you hated the move to get robinson and bellinelli. They might still turn out alright.
  14. A lot of people here said that, a lot of Bulls fans in general thought that and still do think that. What's the big deal, I'm not accusing people here of some very bad thing. It's a viable point of view on how to fix the team.
  15. So your point is that you're upset that the Bulls spent too much money on a guy that sucks. But I don't remember any PG's better than Kirk being available for the MLE, and even if there were, would you have wanted them? I seem to remember most people here wanting the Bulls to tank. If tanking is the goal surely Kirk is fulfilling your wishes with his craptastic offensive play? I suppose we could have just started Teague and saved the MLE if we wanted to tank efficiently. Bulls definitely get an F for proper tanking. But tanking appears never to have been their goal in the first place. btw, The difference between Lu and Noah's turnovers is that Noah's Ast:To ratio is good. Lu's isn't. It's not about their turnovers per game, its about their ratio. I was just saying that Lu needs to decrease his turnovers in relation to his apg
  16. What were our other options at the position?
  17. That's one way to look at it. But I don't know how fair it is to just put all the blame on Kirk. We have 3 Pgs on the roster and none of them are what you would call complete players at the position. Infact we've had a severe lack of 'two-way' players on the Bulls for many years. We have either guys who are good on one end or good on the other but not both. Everyone has to step up and evolve their game. Some guys are achieving that better than others. These guys knew they'd have to assume control of the team and do more, it isn't a surprise to them that they would have to play outside their comfort zone this season no matter who the Bulls got at PG. They're smart vets. Personally I'm really impressed with Noah, I think he's the guy who stepped up the most. I hope he keeps taking more shots and working on his offensive game. That'll really help us a lot once Derrick gets back to MVP level form .
  18. I said Noah's rebounding is down. and thank you, always such a pleasure to talk with you guys
  19. Probably not, we'll be good to go when Derrick Rose gets back and Kirk can be the bench PG he can get his double double off the bench
  20. He's still a golden God in my eyes, my favorite player. But nothing wrong with stating areas you need to improve on. and I'm looking at hoopdata statistics where it says Lu is shooting 30% from 3 for the year. http://www.hoopdata.com/player.aspx?name=Luol%20Deng One of these sites we're using didn't update the latest game it seems Lu is scoring well but I don't think he's playing well enough. I mentioned 2 areas where he's hurt our team, some of those turnovers occurred late in games where it was a huge play. It's important to give credit where credit is due, Lu is shooting well, his TS% is improved, his FT% has improved, and all on higher USG. But lets look at the full picture, his Ast:To ratio has gotten worse and his 3PT% has decreased It's true when you say Lu shouldn't have to be doing this stuff, he shouldn't HAVE to try and go iso and dribble into traffic and putting himself in all these bad situations where he hasn't historically succeeded. But neither should any of these guys have to step up their games to make up for the absence of Rose then, it's unfair that one guy gets injured and everyone's role has to change. If you say one guy shouldn't be in this position then you have to apply that for everyone. The fact is that these guys are in this position and they all have to step their games up. Look at Noah. He's never been a consistent scorer with a go-to move in the paint or a jump shot, but he made a concerted effort to try and be that this season. of course his rebounding is down, and that's something that's fair to criticize too. and I don't know if you're a proponent of PER or not, but PER kinda shows what I'm saying too. Noah's PER is at 18 and Dengs is at 15
  21. My problem with Deng is: he turns the ball over too much and his 3pt% has gone way down from previous years. We have to hold Lu to a higher standard than most everyone else because he's our all-star and one of our highest paid players and supposedly our #2 or #3 option. (when Derrick is here anyway, now he needs to act more like a #1) He's got to play better than he has been.
  22. One thing I was right about has already been named. I called Jimmy Butler more athletic than Ronnie Brewer, there's your one thing. Besides that, I praised the Nate Robinson signing when most people here bashed it. For the minimum we paid him he's looking like a very nice pick up. Just in general I said that Butler could come in and do Ronnie's job as good if not better than Ronnie. I still believe that, but Thibs isn't giving Jimmy a fair shot. Even with Rip injured Jimmy is still getting like 12 minutes per game, which is just ridiculous for a player of his capability and smarts. He's playing Noah and Deng 40 minutes per game, which again is ridiculous. Many people here, again, bashed me for saying we wouldn't miss Brewer much. And Kirk Hinrich is averaging 5.6 assists to 2 turnovers, quite good. Setting up the offense is one thing he does do well, better than any other PG we have. With Kirk and Noah and Boozer and Deng on the floor our ball movement is the best it could possibly be with this roster. Would be even better if Deng could stop turning the ball over and Kirk could find a consistent jumper. But like I said, it's still early and I'm holding out hope that Kirks offense picks up
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