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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. I don't think they were focused tonight at all, I guess they're looking ahead to Oakland
  2. The guys just look lazy to me, they show up from the start unready to play. Thats what it looks like to me. Maybe they're missing some competitive fire in the clubhouse, or maybe the manager is not motivating them enough. remember when A.J. had to yell "Let's hit this piece of s***!", and then they started hitting?
  3. Yeah, what about that time we lost 3 of 3 against the Tigers? That was pretty bad. Or losing 3 of 4 at Boston...
  4. Why does Hudson look like he's in pain whenever he runs or jogs?
  5. Did Stone Pony just say "You don't see Viciedo missing outside fastballs much"?
  6. Quintana is pitching well though, good to see that.
  7. Yeah the Tigers have that esprit d'corps now ever since that walk off 5 runs they scored against the Indians. It's very bad news for us.
  8. YAAAAAWN I'd rather watch Mean Girls than this
  9. Our offense has a tendency to disappear even with all our starters in. But when you put guys like Flowers/Danks/Hudson in too...we just aren't good enough offensively to overcome that deficit often.
  10. Meh...what do you expect with this lineup. Guys like Gordon, Viciedo, Danks, Hudson, etc...AAA lineup. I'll be surprised if we score 2 today.
  11. 60-49 sure looks a lot better than 60-50. 61-49 would look even better though
  12. Thats the risk you take with a rookie manager. You have to wonder if they would have chosen to hire a rookie if they had known they'd be contending this year.
  13. Fans just want to think of ways to help the offense, even though we have a pretty decent one, fans always think it could be better.
  14. Those shows are for scrub teams, not soon-to-be champions. *flex* We don't need the distraction.
  15. Meh... kinda not his fault either that Jordan can't lay down a proper bunt. And leaving Peavy in too long didn't seem to matter much since our pen sucked tonight any way.
  16. I'm not over reacting, I'm already over it. go get em tomorrow
  17. uhh...right. f*** you is ok, but idiot and jerk is not? idiot and jerk is actually less harsh than f*** you imo
  18. What, you mean today? I'm not usually negative.
  19. We're down by 3, so its swing at everything time... sigh
  20. WTH is with Leyson Septimo? He comes in for 4 pitches, throws 4 balls, then gets sat back down. great job, jerkface
  21. Seems like Danks gets his bat on the ball quite often. Having him bunt was stupid imo. But hindsight is 20//20
  22. Tigers going on quite a roll here now. Indians screwed us very bad by imploding against them.
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